Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Klaus' POV

I lay Ariana down on her bed as I kissed her on the forehead. I looked down at her perfect face which looked so troubled. I had let my greed blind me from Aria. I hadn't stopped her, and I hadn't been paying attention to her. She's been through so much. It not fair. I got up and was about to leave when I heard Aria scream. I sprinted back to her side as she continued to scream. Rebekah soon entered and asked what was going on.
"I don't know. But she's in pain. So let's put what happened tonight away and focus on her." I told her not wanting to fail Aria again. She nodded her head reluctantly. I knew she cared for Aria. To be fair Aria had that affect on people. You couldn't not care and love her. I snapped out if it when I heard Aria shout.
"Please don't do this." Then she paused as she screamed again. I ran up towards her and Rebekah closely followed. "No please! It was, but not like this please." She screamed again. What was she going on about? I tried to wake her up but as soon as my fingers touched her they burnt. I quickly pulled away .
"She's literally burning up. " I told Rebekah. She stays silent but I know she was thinking on what to do.


Arianas POV

I didnt go to the graveyard this time. I just went straght to that dark room, not even that it's an dark empty space and I hated it.
" You made a choice one we did not like!" Bellowed that horrible voice. What choice?! Oh, I saved Nick, thats what they must be on about I thought they wouldn't say whether I made the right or wrong choice.
"It's my decision, you said, and I care about him. I love him!" I replied to them almost in tears. I knew that they wouldn't of liked that decision but I couldn't just leave him. I couldn't and I wouldn't.
"He's a beast. He was never meant to walk this earth, and for what you have done you will be punished." The voice boomed again. My face was confused at first but fear began to tremble through my body.
"We will give you what you want. Full control over your witch side." The voice began, as a flicker of hope lit inside of me, but soon was blown out.
"But your vampire side will be out of control, out of reach, impossible to stop from it's bloodlust. You'll become a ripper. But not just any ripper. You'll crumble with guilt, you won't be able to turn your emotions of. We can't let you turn if you emotions so we won't. The guilt from killing will drive you to insanity." The voice said raising it's voice. My mouth began to quiver as tears streamed down my face. I tried to speak but my words were lost. Fire erupted around me in a circle as voices all around began to chant. My head burned up and exploded, all at the same time, with pain. I screamed at the top of my voice as I fell to me knees.
"Please don't do this." I shouted out through the pain.
"I thought this is what you wanted child!" The voice boomed again at me. Pain carried on surging through me as they chanted louder and louder.
"No please! It was, but not like this, please." I screamed out again as pain consumed me once again. The fire grew and the chanting increased and the pain was unbearable. My skin was burning as I tried to resist the spell. But it was no use.
"Be careful what you wish for child" The voice told me as the spell ended and I collapsed to the floor. Light began to flood back into my eyes as I felt myself wake up.

Klaus' POV
We weren't sure what to do. I couldn't look at her like this, it hurt. I wish she would wake up soon. Me and Rebekah both sat down by her bed as we watched her. I would deal with Elijah and Rebekah later but right now I needed to focus on Aria. I was snapped out of my thought when I heard Aria murmur before shooting upright on the bed and her eyes opening within a flash.
"Aria are you alright?" I asked with worry in my voice. She shuffled further away from us.
"Aria..." Rebekah said as she looked at her with concern.
"Stay away please. " She whimpered out before standing up backing away to the corner.
"What happened Aria?" I asked her. Tears began to form down her cheeks as she replied.
"They made me I saved you, so now I'm a" I stared down at her with shock. This was my fault. This happened to her because of me.
"Aria is that all they did?" Rebekah asked.
"No. I... I have control over my magic. But I can't..." She suddenly stopped halfway through her sentence . Her veins appeared under her eyes and her fangs popped out.
"Aria... Calm down. Control." I told her but it was useless.
"Um is she okay?" I heard a familiar voice say behind me. Haley. I turned round to see Haley at the doorway looking at us.
"Haley get out of here!" I shouted to her.
"Why?" She asked. She never does what she's told, ever, does she? Suddenly Aria lunged for Haley. I caught her before she could and soon she was struggling against me.
"Rebekah get Haley out of here!" I shouted to Rebekah who swiftly ran to Haley and then they both disappeared. Aria growled at me and snapped her fangs. She then threw me back against the wall. I quickly jumped to my feet but I wasn't fast enough. Aria had already ran away.


Ariana's POV
"Rebekah get Haley out of here!" I heard Nick shout. I couldn't control myself. All I wanted was blood. I growled and snapped my fangs out at Nick. Then I remembered I could use my witch magic. I focused hard before I realise that I had flung him against the wall. I felt bad. It hurt me, that I hurt him but I couldn't stop. I sprinted out the room and out the house. I stopped in my tracks as I could smell blood coming from the opposite direction. I ran out into the woods. Trees blurred past me as I felt the wind rush through my hair. I soon ran into a clearing. I saw a group if 15 campers. They all looked around the age of 20. I could smell that one of them was bleeding. He had obviously cut his knee or something or other. I slowly walked up to them my best smile on. I pulled down my top so you could see the top of my bra. Then I strutted towards a guy who was by himself.
"Hello there I was wondering if I could join you." I asked the guy who was separate from the group. The one with the bleeding knee.
"Sure darling." He said. I took a sit next to him and put on my best smile. I leant in and whispered in his ear.
"I see you cut you knee." He stuttered something out but I wasn't paying attention. I could smell that he was drunk. Very drunk. I decided to have a little fun. I looked into his eyes and compelled him not to be afraid or scream. He nodded in a daze as I slowly moved towards his neck. I kissed it slightly before I pierced his skin and drank his blood. I heard him let out a gasp. Soon he was dead. I let him drop to the floor before moving towards the bigger group of people. I felt blood drip down the side of my mouth, but I didn't care.
"Hello there." I smirked as everyone turned to look at me. There eyes widened and some were gasping. It wasn't until they heard a piercing scream did they all start to back away.
"Tim's dead!" Shouted a girl who was running towards the group. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw me. Tim was obviously the guy I had killed earlier. She must of been the one who screamed. I chuckled to myself before saying.
"Boo!" Then everyone screamed and ran away.
"I love the hunt!" I whispered to myself before chasing after every person and drinking them dry. The sensation of blood was driving me mad. In the back of my mind, my voice was screaming at me to stop, but I couldn't.

So that's it guys! Finished the book. The sequel is coming out soon. It gonna be called
'Finding the way back.'
It'll be out soon. I will put an authors note out when it is. Sorry this took so long. I had a lot of writers block with this. I hope you like it. Pls carry on to the next book. Please

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