Chapter 32

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Chapter 32
Ariana's POV

Dear Diary,
I'm still not leaving my room. The only time I did, was to say goodbye to Kath. I missed her, I mean everyone else was over the moon. But me, she was one of the only friends I had. But what I don't get is that second tombstone. You know the one in my dream. It said Elena was gonna die from KATHERINE and the Travellers. Which makes no sense. But the thing is, I have so much to handle right now, that I can't deal with that problem. So I've decided to let it figure it's self out. Leave that tombstone alone. Anyway, it's been a week since 'the incident' and I've been trying to learn control. For the first few days Stefan , Matt, Dad, even Caroline (who I barely know) tried to come in and talk to me and get me to come out to stop this. But after a while they stopped asking me this. They mainly ask me to drink blood, to keep living and not kill my self. But I don't talk to them. I mainly just sit here, by the window, and do nothing, I hadn't had any blood for a week and I was beginning to weaken. But it was for the best. The worst part is, Nick hadn't returned. But that's not it, my mind keeps playing tricks on me. Making me see things. Mainly they were of Nick but sometimes it was Dad or Stefan or even Kath and Matt. They kept telling me to turn it of and then everything would go away. But so far I've stayed strong. My Dad, when it was really him, was worrying about me and kept trying to talk sense into me but he was failing. The world is safer with out me.
My heart is broken, Nick hadn't returned, I had guilt crashing down on me and my best friend died. You could say I am going mad, and I believe I am.


I put down my diary and stared out the window into the sky.
"What are you doing, love?" I heard a British accent say next to me. But I didn't even look at him. I knew he was just an hallucination.
"You know what would make it all better...I've already told you." I heard him say again. This time I faced him and stuck my tongue out at him.
"Feisty today are we? Well why don't you go and switch those emotion of, love. It will make things a lot easier." He said suddenly appearing right in front of me.
"Not talking I see. Why not, love? Your all alone, I don't see how your not bored out of your mind." He said looking into my eyes. But I still didn't reply. God I really am loosing it., aren't I?
"I know what your thinking love. To answer that question, yes your on the brink of losing your mind. So why don't you turn if you emotions and then all of that will me gone." He told me again. I scowled at him before turning my head back out the window. Tears began to form in my eyes. I really wasn't sure how long I could take this.
"Pathetic." I heard Nick say and then he disappeared. I let the tears fall down my face, letting out a sob here and there. I hadn't got any closer to controlling this magic that I was inside of me, an I'd giving up hope.

Damon's POV

I heard her sob in her room. God, when will this end. Elena disappeared no one knows where she is, and Ariana won't leave her room. She thinks she gonna hurt us. But I wasn't focusing right now on getting her to leave the room, I was focusing on getting her to drink blood. I walked up the steps towards her door. I hesitated before opening it. I saw her by the window, where she always is, crying. Once she noticed I was there she quickly wiped away the tears and stopped crying.
"Ariana... Are you ok?"I asked her but she didn't reply. She barely ever spoke, I don't know whether it was to do with her not having any blood or not, but I didn't like it. I walked towards her.
"Ariana. You need to stop this. I can't take it any more!" I said raising my voice. But she continued to stare out the window, completely and utterly ignoring me.
"Look at me! LOOK AT ME ARIANA!" I shouted at her as she slowly turned her head. She looked shocked for a moment but it quickly passed.
"I can't take every day hearing you cry. Every day knowing that you are starving yourself." I told her my voice calming down a bit. But she still didn't reply.

Ariana's POV

"Ariana. You need to stop this. I can't take it any more!" He told me but I didn't reply. It hurt his words, they really did but it was easier if I just didn't say anything.
"Look at me! LOOK AT ME ARIANA!" He shouted at me. So I decided maybe I should listen. So I slowly turned my head. That's when I was shocked. Right behind my Dad was my Dad. My hallucination of my Dad.
"I can't take every day hearing you cry. Every day knowing that you are starving yourself." I quickly focused back on my Dad as he began to speak to me again.
"Oh I'm getting feisty. Just like you. Have you ever heard of fatherly advice. Well this is some, TURN IT OF. It's more of a demand really." The hallucination of my Dad said. Anger boiled inside of me as he said it. My eyes Narrowed at him as I scowled.
"Ariana are you ok? "My Dad asked me, I turned my head towards him and did something I really thought I wouldn't. I stood up.
"You listen to me, no matter what you say I'm not going to turn it of. So get out of my head!" I said raising my voice and my Hallucination of my Dad. God, I must of looked stupid to my actual Dad.
"Ariana..." My Dad began but I cut him of.
"You. You just don't get it. Whatever you say is not going to change anything. I thought you would of learnt by now!" I told him. My legs began to wobbly as I had stood up for way to long. When I turned back to my hallucination, it was no longer my Dad it was Nick, again.
"Why wont you go away ?!" I shouted at Nick. But he just chuckled.
"Because I'm the little bit of persuasion to make you turn all those pathetic emotions of!" Nick spat at me. I took a step back. Even though I knew it wasn't really him, it still hurt, every word did.
"Ariana what's going on?" My Dad asked me,
"Get out! Get out of my head!" I shouted as the Nick whispered in my ear.
"You can't get rid of me. You may not see me always. But I'm always there." Then he disappeared and I collapsed. Tears forming in my eyes. My Dad rushed up to me and picked me up. I hadn't broke down like that in front of my dad since 'the incident'. He certainly didn't know about my hallucinations. God this is going to mess up everything. He lay me down on my bed as tears still slid down my face. That's when darkness consumed me.


Damon's POV

Her eyes closed as she fainted. What was that all about? It was like she thought there was someone next to me. Maybe she was seeing things. Seeing people.

'no matter what you say I'm not going to turn it of'

Turn it of? Did she mean emotions. Whatever was going on with her it wasn't good, and whenever I tried to help her she wouldn't listen. There only one person in the world which she will listen to, and I had driven him away. But I knew what I had to do. I kissed her on the forehead and left her room .
Ok so I know not a lot happens but it just needed to be done. Ariana's gone mad! Do you knew who Damon's talking about? She's leaving the Katherine and Elena Tombstone alone. Is that the right choice? Hope you liked it!

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