Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Ariana's POV

I saw Nick zoom in the kitchen making me choke on my soup.
"Sorry did I startle you." Nick joked, laughing at me.
"Yeah you did, and you should be sorry." I smirked at him. I turned around to walk to the fridge but Nick was in front of me, backing my jump back and spill me soup.
"Now look what you've done, jerk." I told him and went to pick up a clothe from the sink. He just smirked.
"Well since you find it so funny and you caused the mess you can be the one to clean it up." I shoved the clothe I to his chest handing it to him. His smiled faded into a frown and looked at me annoyed and began to clean up as I walked away.
I walked towards the living room for the alcohol. They've got to have some some where.
"On the table over there." I heard someone say. I looked over my shoulder to find Rebekah standing there.
"Thanks Beka, I can call you Beka right?" I asked her heading towards the alcohol on the table.
"That's cool." She said walking towards the sofa and siting down.
"I gotta say girl. You've got guts" Beka commented as I walked over and sat opposite her.
"How ?" I asked a little confused.
"I mean, I never seen anyone stand up to my brother like you do." She told me. I took a sip of me drink and smirked.
"Well he needed it. He was way to smug for me liking." I commented as Beka let out a laugh.
"I think he likes you, or he would of snapped your neck by now." She told me. Nick liking me. I guess I have that effect on some people.
"I don't see why everyone at home doesn't like you. Your the funniest people I've ever met." I told her taking a sip of my drink.
"I guess you just have a better humour then them." She told me.
"You can say that again." I told her.


Klaus' POV

She walked out the room after completely sassing me. She's just like me. Only hotter and nicer and... STOP. Klaus you can't think like that. You don't care about anything.
I knew that wasn't true but I had to believe it, so others would believe it. Even If I did care for Aria, she would end up getting hurt and probably because of me.
I carried on cleaning up when I heard a Rebekah and Aria laugh come from the living room. I listened in to the conversation they were having.
" Well he needed it. He was way to smug for me liking." I could hear Aria say and Rebekah laugh. Were they talking about me. I wasn't that smug was I.
"I think he likes you, or he would of snapped your neck by now." Rebekah said. I froze, I should of known Rebekah could see through me. I shrugged it of and carried on listening.
"I don't see why everyone at home doesn't like you. Your the funniest people I've ever met." People at home. Who was she talking about? Was that who she talking to on the phone?
"I guess you just have a better humour then them." Rebekah replied. She was right Aria had a great sense of humour almost as good at mine.
"You can say that again." Aria replied. Cocky much. I finished cleaning up and zoomed into the living room.
"You weren't talking about me were you now?" I asked smiling as I walked forwards towards Aria and Rebekah.


Ariana's POV

Nick walked forward and sat next to me. God he was handsome. Snap out of it Aria! Say something don't just stare at him.
"Did you finish cleaning up, Nicky." I said. Nicky! What the hell Aria? What's wrong with you? You weren't like this before? Good I be falling for him? No shut up before you say something more embarrassing.
Nick raised his eyebrows an I did the same mimicking him.
"Yes, your highness." He commented.
"I like that, don't you Beka. Your highness, the one and only Ariana." I laughed out as Beka and Nick joined in.
"Don't flatter yourself, love." He told me. Did he just call me love. I felt my heart flutter. I felt my checks begin to burn up. So avoiding anymore embarrassment I got up quickly and said.
" I'm tired, I think I'm gonna go get some sleep before dinner." It was a complete lie but before either of them could object I was already up the stairs in my room.
What the hell was going on with me? I couldn't feel any thing for him could I ? Could I be in love with him even though I've known him for a day? But I couldn't be because my dad would kill me.But that never would stop me from doing what I wanted. Go I was so confused. I lay on my bed and I felt my self drift away. I guess I really was tired.

Ariana's POV

I was sleeping, happily. I was dreaming about my family back in England. How life used to be. The memory's, and what could of been. This, made me happy and sad. But I was rudely interrupted from my dream when I felt a distant voice and someone shaking me.
My eyes fluttered open to find Nicks face right I front of me.
"What?!" I asked him annoyed that he had woken me from my sleep.
"Dinners in 20. You should start getting ready?," he said and the walked towards the door," oh and where something pretty." He smirked as I threw a pillow at him, "jerk" I muttered under my breath. No one wakes me up and gets away with it.
"I heard that!" Nick shouted from down the corridor. I rolled my eyes as I got out of bed and went to get ready. That nap probably would make my sleeping pattern messed up and I would end up waking up at 5 in the morning.
After I had a shower, I curled my black hair and put on a long sleeved turquoise cocktail dress which hugged my sides . I quickly applied some make up and slipped on my black high heels . I checked the time and realised I had a minute to get down stairs. Plenty of time . I checked my hair and make up before grabbing my black clutch and zoomed downstairs.
There I say Beka in a beautiful red dress, cocktail as well but was strapless. Then i saw Elijah and Nick wearing suits( casual ones) . Nick in White and Elijah in black.
" well don't you to look dashing and Beka my god you look beautiful !" I squealed as she squealed back.
" not as good as you." She examined my dress as I thanked her.
" so where are we going that requires us to dress up so beautifully." I asked them.
" well your in New Orleans, you may as well she the town. So we thought we would take you to one of are favourite restaurant." Nick replied to me . Then held out his hand and I took it and he led me to the car. I could see Elijah and Beka do the same.
Once we were all in the car ,Elijah and klaus in the front, Beka and me in the back.
I could hear some faint talking in the background while we drive along but I was focusing on New Orleans. It's so beautiful. I mean, it's stunning , full of life and party's. This I my kind of place.
"Admiring New Orleans are we?" I could her Nick say faintly but I wasn't paying attention.
"What?" I asked him looking at him confused. But he just laughed.
"It's is a beautiful town and we should know we created it." He told me obviously deep in thought. Beka sighed and looked out the window. What had happened here? Why did they all look so sad when they mentioned it? Well that's another mystery that needs solving. Just add it to my list shall we. I snapped out of thought when the car pulled over and we all got out.
"You know love, this is a very posh restaurant. Your lucky your with just the right man to get you anything and everything." He whispered in my ear as we headed into the restaurant. My heart began to quicken not that anyone could hear it, I mean I'm dead, but still. He was so close to me, I could feel the warmth of his body. I smiled to myself as I walked into the restaurant. We were showed to a table and we all sat down.


Ariana's POV

It had been an hour and we had just finished are main course. We were all laughing at how Elijah had spilt his wine all the way down his shirt. Beka and him then left to go find him a new shirt.
" you know you blush a lot." Nick commented as I could feel the heat rush to my cheeks. I just hoped he couldn't see it.
"Jerk." I muttered as I took a sip of my wine. Nick was about to say something when a man with dark skin wearing a black shirt and jeans and two more men following him, walked up to us.
"Marcel. Tonight I'm not in the mood to talk. I'm am having an enjoyable evening. "Nick told 'Marcel' and I just sat there awkwardly. They stared at each other for a moment, before Marcel completely ignores Nick and sits down next to me.
"Now who could you be? Your quite the beauty aren't you? What's your name ?" He asked me. I looked at Nick wondering what to do. He gave me a stern look not to give to much away. Well names don't matter to much do they?
"Why does that concern you?" I asked him with a smirk in my voice.
"Oooh. She's stubborn and clever and manipulative. She reminds me of someone I know." He say looking at Nick. Nick gave out a chuckle before becoming serious again.
"Marcel I wasn't kidding when I told you to leave. Leave. Before my sister and brother come back and I too your heart from your chest." Nick threatened. Marcel, stood up and walked back per to his friends.
" I wasn't planning on staying long Klaus. I'll see you tomorrow. I hope to see you to." He smirked and then walked away. I rolled my eyes. Ugh! Men! Just at that moment Beka and Elijah came back and sat down.
"Everything alright?" Beka asked. I looked at her then at Nick. I was grateful when he replied because I wasn't entirely sure what the hell just happened.
"Marcel just showed up and then tried to find out who Aria is , and was just annoying Marcel." Nick smirked as we both took a sip of our Wine.
" Great just what we needed." Elijah noted sarcastically. I laughed as I looked at the Desert menu.


Hey guys! Sorry it took so long been busy. So do you like the whole Klaus and Aria thing going on? Pls vote and comment pls.

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