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hey lol im currently rewriting this so i don't have to be embarrassed of these earlier chapters. same concept just better: gaten is insecure of his looks and acting abilities and you're there to comfort him. 

sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes!


You and Gaten being best friends just made sense, you two had natural chemistry. whenever you two were on set you were always laughing with or at each other, resulting in having to do another take and frustrating everybody. you regularly hung out outside of shooting and you two were always seen with each other in public. 

of course everyone wanted you to date him, but you didnt have those types of feelings. plus, you didnt want to lose your best friend if something ever went wrong. 

so, it wasn't weird for you to get a text from your fellow costar claiming he needed to ask you a serious question. you wouldn't lie and say you weren't scared, because those types of texts always gave you a bit of anxiety. those and "we need to talk texts" 

"yeah whats up?" you sent back and waited for his reply, catching yourself bouncing a leg from the anticipation of what this 'serious question' was. 

"do you think im a good actor?" his text confused you. you thought he was a great actor, probably one of the best from this generation, and you always admired his skill. was this his important question?? you actually thought it was ridiculous he was asking you this. you hadn't heard him ever question his acting abilities so you wondered why it was coming up now. 

"are you kidding? im actually jealous of your acting abilities" you sent and then followed up with "why are you asking me this?" 

"well i read this tweet about how bad i am, saying my voice is too high pitched and annoying. they said i probably couldn't act to save my life" 

when you received that last text your mouth popped open in shock and your brows furrowed. you needed to find this tweet, but first you wanted to comfort your friend. then your phone buzzed with another text.

"and it had so many likes and retweets. like in the thousands y/n, and i figured if that many people agreed then it must be true right?" 

that text made you frown. no, that was not true. sure, people's opinions differ but if Gaten was a bad actor then he wouldn't have gotten the role, and he surely wouldn't have as many fans as he does. you had learned to ignore the negativity but you guessed he was still a bit more sensitive  about it than he let others believe. 

"listen, you can't pay attention to that shit, it'll only depress you. and like i said you're a great actor gaten, like im always amazed at how truly passionate you are about everything you do, and you continue to improve with every passing day. if anything they're just jealous." you replied hoping that it would improve his mood. you knew one text wasn't going to get rid of his insecurities but it was the best you could do right now. 

it was a while before you received a text back and you figured he was probably doing something to distract himself, or he got busy with something else. 

"yeah you're right. i don't know why i let it get to me so much. sorry haha"

"you don't have to apologize. this is what friends are for gaten. im here for you! :)" you responded. 

"hey you wanna go get some ice cream? im not doing anything for a few hours"

"ill meet you there" 


eh this one kinda sucked too but oh well. 

Gaten Matarazzo and Dustin Henderson imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now