4 years and im back

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Today was the day Renee came back to Atlanta. She and Nicky had became best friends so Nicky was gonna come with Renee. Renee had changed alot. She was turning 22 today.She no longer had an american accent. Her hair was back red but had pink and purple highlights. Meanwhile Rachel and prince were still together. Brittany was 9 months pregnant with prods baby. Ray was still single. Roc was still madly in love with Renee.


I woke up and did my hygiene thing and put on a black crop top with the words "IM BACK" on it, black ripped skinny jeans, a black leather jacket and black timbs. I straightened my hair and put on my gold rolex and double finger ring with the word "LOVE" on it. My bags were all packed and loaded in the taxi. Nicky came out in the same outfit as me but in blue. We both laughed in unison as we stared at each other's outfit. We both got into the taxi. Im going home.


I woke up and did my hygiene thing and put on a white Minnie mouse dress, black wedge heels, my gold rolex and hoop earrings. I straightened my hair wich was know honey blonde. I woke up Prince and we started decorating the house. Today was when Renee came back! It was also her birthday! We invited Prod, Brittany, jhene, jason, roc, ray, Jas, myles, kim, and basically all our friends from high school.


when me and Nicky got to my house, I heard loud music coming form inside. When I turned my key in the lock the house became silent. Me and Nicky walked inside. There were decorations everywhere.

nicky: Wtf is all this??!!!!

renee: I have no idea.

Everyone: *jumps up* HAPPY BIRTHDAY RENEE!

renee: omg! aww Thanks guys! Who's idea was this?

everyone: *points to Rachel*

renee: thanks girl! *hugs Rachel tight*

rachel: I've missed you SO much! You look so different. Love the hair!

renee: *giggles* thanks. Thanks everyone! *smiles* Everyone this is Nicky, Nicky this is everyone.

Everyone: Hey!

nicky: Hello.

prod: Renee. I know we h-(GCO)

renee: it's alright.

prod: wow...you talk different.

renee: So do you chicken boy. *hugs prod*

ray: Renee I've missed you so much.

renee: So have I. London was great but I missed all my friends.

Brittany: Hey Renee.

renee: Hey br- wow....what you got there. *pokes her stomach*

Brittany: im 9 months pregnant.

renee: wow....congrats. Sorry I underestimated you. You really have changed.

Brittany: it's ok. I really can't wait to get this baby out.

renee: what's the gender?

Brittany: a girl. I'm gonna name her Rita Renee crippen.

renee: Aw!!!!

rachel: Enough chit chat! Let's get this party started! *cranks up music*


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