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Chapter 26: Goodbye is never forever


Olivia shook her head as she pushed her boyfriend playfully into into a wall, biting back a laugh. It was the last day of term and the Hogwarts students were saying goodbye to the students from afar.

Her, Draco, Alexis, Blaise and Serena were gathered in the courtyard, blending in. "That is not true." She laughed as the boy re-told their first official day at Hogwarts back in first year.

"Yes it is, you ran into me in potions and dropped the vial on Longbottoms foot." He said laughing.

"You must of hit your head or something because I can distinctively remember you coming up to me and asking if we could partner up." Olivia said, as she pulled a mock thinking face.

"Ah so it was Draco who made the first move." Blaise determined.

"Yeah but she rejected him anyways." Alexis added, laughing.

"Yes but she hasn't now." Draco proved, taking Olivia's wrist and pulling her close to him, smiling as she yelped in surprise and when she blew a hair out of her face.

"No she didn't." Olivia said quietly, gazing into Draco's signature grey eyes.

"Only took you three and a half years." Serena muttered to the boy, rolling her eyes.

"Remember first year, where you used to gel your hair back?" Olivia brought up, embarrassing the boy.

"Don't mention that ever again please." He sighed as he recalled his past hairstyles.

"What changed?" Blaise questioned with a laugh.

"Me." He answered, shrugging his shoulders.

A new voice broke up their conversation as three Durmstrang's walked up to the group, Olivia noticing Alex was the one leading.

"Oh merlin.." She muttered under her breath as Draco pulled her closer to his side, clenching his jaw as he made his way over.

"Olivia can I have a word please?" Alex asked sheepishly.

"Not after you tried to kill-" Draco began, but was cut off by Olivia ramming her elbow into his side. The boy started coughing as the three behind him laughed.

"Yeah sure.." Olivia trailed, nervous for the exchange since the pair hadn't spoke since The Yule Ball. She turned to face her friends and boyfriend before following the taller boy across the courtyard, to where they were still visible.

"I want to start by apologising." Alex blurted out almost instantly. "I can't even- I don't even know how it happened."

"If anyone should be apologising here it should be me." She answered with a little laugh. "I sent you into a wall, Alex." She admitted.

"I tried to kill you." He pointed out, causing Olivia to raise her eyebrow in agreement.

"Eh, it's all in the past yeah?" She asked with a wave of her hand. "You're not to blame for what happened because it wasn't even you, you said it yourself Alex you don't know how it happened." She added, smiling slightly.

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