Chapter 9: Is it over?

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* 1 week later *
You been standing outside your balcony for a few hours just to stare up the sky,
~ I think I should go to school tonight...

You are  deciding wether to go or not to go to school because you missed a lot of lessons from school, these days Reiji will give you some excersise to do if you still refuse to go to school.
~ Yup!I'll go to school tonight, I know Reiji will drag me to school if I still missed more of my lessons.

You climb up the balcony and sit on top of it, you starts to daydreaming about life and some other kinds of things.
* knock knock knock *
(Y/N)~ Yes?

Laito came in with a tray of your breakfast,
Laito~ Good morning, little sis.
(Y/N)~ Morning! Since when do you start being my butler?
Laito~ Hahaha, come down and eat your breakfast before its start to get cold.

You come down from the balcony and eat your breakfast that are prepared by Yui and Ayato, Yui made Takoyaki and Ayato made Pancake for you. It's used to be Yui the one who bring your breakfast for you every morning,
(Y/N)~ Thanks, Laito.
Laito~ My pleasure
(Y/N)~ Oh, Laito. I thought it was supposed to be Yui that bring me breakfast every morning, is there something you want to tell me?
Laito~ Heh~ My sister is smart enough~
I want to tell you that it's been 1 week that Brian absent, and I heard from the other girls that he transfer to a new school.

~ Other girls? That means he's been flirting with the other girls again... * Sigh * why this guy won't grow up a little?...

(Y/N)~ Oh, I see...these days I didn't see Brian around here anymore
Laito~ Really? I'm so glad~ Anyway, a lot of people want to sit beside you, but Ayumi takes it already...
(Y/N)~ Ayumi? The black hair one?
Laito~ Yup! And she's been asking me a lot of things about you, so are you coming to school with us tonight?
(Y/N)~ Okay! I can't wait to meet her...

Ayumi has long black hair with purple  eyes, she's very good with math and Science.
~ Hey! I can borrow her homework whenever I want...* grinned *

Laito~ Nope, you can't.
(Y/N)~ What?
Laito~ I know what are you thinking...
(Y/N)~ Tsk! Damn it...

Then Yui suddenly came in and she looks excited.
Yui~ (Y/N)! Good morning!
(Y/N)~ Morning, you look excited...
Yui~ Reiji decide to grow some vegetables at our empty backyard, and everyone is helping too!
(Y/N)~ What?! I'm gonna finish my breakfast first.
Yui~ Hurry up! We're waiting for you

You ready everything and run downstairs along with Laito and Yui to the backyard,
Reiji~ What takes you so long?
(Y/N)~ Leave that...what are we going to grow today?
Ayato~ Everyone suggest to grow tomato
(Y/N)~ I love tomato!
Shu~ Same
Kanato~ Me too
Laito~ Me three!
(Y/N)~ How about Subaru?
Subaru~ I love Roses more...

Reiji~ Then, tomorrow we'll be growing Tomatoes, agree?
Everyone~ Agree!
Subaru~ Whatever...

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