Chapter 17: Kidnapped 2

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There's gonna be a torture scene here!~
Juuuuust kidding...

Your hands and feet are tied up, you can't see anything because you're blindfolded. The people that kidnapped you pulled you up the stairs until you guys reached to the top floor of a building, he/she open the door and push you out.

You're pretty sure that the one that pushed you is a male, because after that he pulled you further and then throw you hard on the ground. " Shut up and wait for- - - our leader! " the male said, the voice are really familiar. But then you heard three voice whispering, " Who are you guys?! Let me go! " you said trying to loosen the rope that tied your hands.

" You'll know later OR maybe never " said the male, then you heard a door opened sound. " You guys caught her? " said another female voice that just come, " Yes " replied the male. " Nice job!~ "...

You~ Um... I dunno who are you people, but you should let me go.

Female~ Oh really?~ And why is that?

You~ Because my best friend is waiting for me in front of a mall...

Female~ You're worry about that?! Aren't you worry about yourself getting kidnapped?~

You~ * Giggle * Why should I worry about getting kidnapped by my best friend?

Female~ What?! * Shocked * You're smart enough~

You~ Come on, Ayumi. Stop this prank!

Ayumi~ I'm afraid that this is NOT a prank! I'm not gonna let you go just like that for what you've done!!

You~ Okay... so what did I do??

Ayumi walk towards you and pull off your blindfold,
Ayumi~ You. Killed. My. Brother...

You~ Um... who??

Ayumi~ Stop acting stupid, (Y/N)!! You killed my brother, Brian!!

You~ owh... wait! You have a brother?! And who is Brian??~

Ayumi slapped your face hard and said, " How could you forget?!! ". You tilted your head and smirked, " Ouchie~ * giggle * "

Sakamaki's POV
Laito~ What?! She's gone?!

Kanato~ How- - -how could this happened?

Reiji~ Ayato! Look what have you done?!

Ayato~ So it's my fault now?!

Reiji~ (Y/N)'s kidnapped because of you!

Ayato~ You're the one that gave her permission to go out!

Subaru~ Ayato!!!

Subaru run towards Ayato and punched him in the face, Ayato pushed off him. And kanato pulled Ayato Ayato's shirt and start yelling, " Give me back my (Y/N)!! ".

Then Laito pulled off Kanato and pushed Ayato down the sofa and punched him, Ayato tried to kick off Laito but Laito just keep on beating him...
(A/N~ Wait... do vampires fight like that?? )

" Guys! Stop fighting! Please... " said Yui. Yui tried to push Laito off Ayato, but failed... Laito accidently pushed Yui and cause her to fall and hit her head on the table, Shu quickly pulled Yui up and saw her bleeding.

Shu~ Hey! Stop fighting!! Are you guys out of your mind?! Fighting won't bring back (Y/N), we have to do something!

Kanato~ Yui- - - Yui's bleeding...

Ayato~ What...?

Ayato pushed Laito off and...
(A/N~ okay! 'Pushing' and 'Pulling' is over!! Lol~ )

quickly check Yui's condition...
Ayato~ I'm sorry, are you okay?

Yui~ * nodded * I'm fine...

Ayato~ I'll go get some plaster, don't move.
(A/N~ ♡Ayato×Yui♡ who agree?? No...? Okie~ )

Reiji~ Ayato, leave it to Laito. Laito, since you're the one that pushed Yui. It's you're responsibility...

Laito~ Hmm... fine!

Reiji~ Shu, Ayato, I need you guys to follow me to my room...

Aww man! No torture scene...sorry~
The next chapter will be release at 18 June! Thanks for reading!~


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