Chapter 14: Apologies accepted?

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Yo Minna-san! I'm back and sorry for not updating this book for a long time...
This chapter kinda boring...but I only want you and Ayato to get along quickly! So enjoy~♡

"(Y/N). (Y/N)! Wake up!", a familiar voice is trying to wake you up.

Your POV
I woke up and saw that I was laying on the floor, both hand and feet are chained up. All the brothers (except for Ayato) is there staring at me with a worried look on their face, "What happened? Why am I here?" I asked.

"Wait. You don't remember anything?" asked Subaru, "No...why am I chained up? What's going on?". Reiji unlock the chains around you , "I think that you are sleepwalking the whole time." . "Here. Let me explain." said Shu as he sit beside you.

Shu heard a door creaked sound, he open his bedroom door and saw that you are slowly walking out from your room with an unusual expression on your face, he felt weird so he followed you.

He follow you into the kitchen and saw that you grab a knife and walk out from the kitchen, he think that you are going to use the knife for doing something bad so he walk towards you and stand in front of you to stop you.

You bump into Shu and now your head is on he's chest, he put his hands on your shoulder and slowly push you back a little to see your face. He look into your tired eyes and realised that you are sleepwalking, so he let you go.

( Dang it! You forgot the knife, Shu! >^< )

He decided to leave you alone and hope that you'll wake up soon. He walk to the living room and lay down on the sofa listening to his favourite music, although he has his earphones on... he kept hearing things like someone is calling for help.

"(y/n)!- - - stop!- - - Help!", when he unplug one of his earphone...


Shu run up the stairs and down the hallway, then he saw that you are on top of Ayato stabbing him multiple times with the kitchen knife that you take earlier. He run towards you and pull you away from Ayato, then all the brothers came and help Shu.

When they are pulling you off Ayato, they heard you say things that they didn't expect that you would say.

( "die. die. DIE! )

After hearing weird things that you said, they knock you out. The everything turn black. (you fainted.)
===Flashback End===

(Y/N)~ Where is Ayato now?
Shu~ Yui is taking care of him in his room.
(Y/N)~ Um...Reiji? Did you said something about 'sleepwalking'?
Reiji~ Yes, I did.
(Y/N)~ I think I know what is going on... When I'm thirsty, I will sleepwalking around and stabbing people until they die. And when they are dead, I will drink their blood.

Reiji~ Hmmm...I did heard lot of things like this, then you should never thirst yourself again. Or else one of us are going to end up dead, you can have some blood from Yui.
(Y/N)~ Never. I will never drink Yui's blood, and I will never let you guys drink her blood.

You run out from the room to Ayato's room. You open the door and saw that his chest is wrapped with bandages, you walk towards him and sit beside him. When he saw you, he looks away just to avoid eye contact with you.

(Y/N) n Ayato~ Um...huh?
Ayato~ You...go first
(Y/N)~ No. You go first
Ayato~ I'm... sorry
(Y/N)~ For what?! I'm the one that should say sorry first!
Ayato~ I'm sorry for that time i said those hurtful things to you.

(Y/N)~ Hmmm...I'm sorry too.
Ayato~ For stabbing me, right?
(Y/N)~ You want me to stab you again?
Ayato~ Nope! No, thank you---...

(Y/N)~ So... from now on,... can I have Yui? ~
Ayato~ Nope!~~~
(Y/N)~ Dang it...

You punch Ayato on the shoulder,
Ayato~ Ouch! That's hurt, stupid...
(Y/N)~ You deserve it!

Yes! I finally finished it! But there are still more...* Sigh *
Well~Here you go, Tsuzuki! Midnight_Violet had been telling me to update this book, but I don't have enough time to type and publish. Hope that I can update again next time~

Sayounara minna-san,

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