Chapter 10: School 2

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===At school===
When the Sakamaki arrived, every students stare at you and was wondering what happened to you. You and Laito walks down the hallway to your classroom, and when Laito pull open the door... everyone in the classroom were doing their own thing until Mary suddenly shout out your name.

Mary~ (Y/N)!

The whole class start to stare at you and some students have a worried looking face,
~ Oh crap! Damn it, Mary...

(Y/N)~ What am I going to do...?
Laito~ Um...let's just...* close the door *

You and Laito are still standing outside the classroom thinking of a way to avoid the eyes,
Laito~ Later when I pull open this door, don't look at them and just walk straight to your seat. Roger that?
(Y/N)~ W-what? Um...Roger!

Laito pull open the door again, but this time all the students are back to their work. You walk straight to your seat with an awkward feelings and noticed that Ayumi is staring at you for the whole time,
(Y/N)~ What's the matter, Ayumi?
Ayumi~ Can we be friends?!

~ W-what's with that smile?...

Ayumi's purple eyes brighten up a little and her smile is very wide, which made you felt more awkward but at the same time... you felt happy too.

(Y/N)~ * smile * I loved to.
Ayumi~ * Eyes widened * You will?! Yeah! * hug you *
(Y/N)~ Why are you so excited about this?
Ayumi~ Nothing, just happy. By the way, why you didn't come to school for 1 week?! Are you hurt?!

Then suddenly a bunch of students came by rushing to your seat and waiting for your answer,
Yukira~ Yea', what happened?
Chika~ Come on! Tell us...

(Y/N)~ N-no, I'm not hurt. I just have a fever, that's it...
Ayumi~ We're so worried...* hug (Y/N) again *
(Y/N)~ Thanks for worrying about me...
Rize~ Fuh...I'm so relieved...but do you guys think that he will come back?
Yukira~ No way! I heard that he move back to America to live with his parent and study at there...
Chika~ B-but...I heard...other story...That he's parent died few years ago...

Yukira~ He said he's parent are still...alive... He lied?!
Rize~ Wait...he probably lied about everything, maybe he is still here...

After you heard all their conversation, your hand gripping then pen and it almost break
Ayumi~ What's wrong, (Y/N)?
(Y/N)~ Huh? Oh! Nothing...
Chika~ Maybe...he-
Ayumi~ Hey! Stop it already!
Chika~ H-huh?! Gomenasai!
(Y/N)~ I-it's okay...class is starting soon, let's get ready now

They all walk back to their seats and ready for the class to start,
Ayumi~ Hey, (Y/N). If there is something wrong just tell me, okay?
(Y/N)~ Thanks...

===Recess Time===(Hah! I finally write about the 'Recess' part)
You stand up and walk towards Laito's seat,
Laito~ Wanna grab some snacks?
(Y/N)~ Let's go...come on, Mary
Mary~ Coming!
Ayumi~ Wait! Can I come too?
Laito~ I thought you have other friends to be with.
Ayumi~ Yea' later I want to introduce (Y/N) to them...
(Y/N)~ Okay

===At the canteen===
(Y/N)~ Wait, I should introduce you to my brothers first
Ayumi~ * Eyes widened * The Sakamaki?! Oh yes!
(Y/N)~ Brothers, this is my new friend, Ayumi.
Ayumi~ Awesome! I can talk with the Sakamaki!
Sakamaki~ * sweat dropped *
(Y/N)~ * sweat dropped * Well...say something, guys...
Ayato~ Nice to meet you!
Reiji~ Just watch our Troublesome sister for us and don't let her skip class
Ayumi~ Okay!
(Y/N)~ Hey! You're Troublesome! And I never skip class before! Tsk...

After introducing all the Sakamaki brothers to Ayumi, Ayumi pull you to her friends table.
Ayumi~ Hey guys! Meet (Y/N) , my classmates and also my best friend!
Yuu~ Yo!
Toki~ Hello!
Yuki~ Nice to meet you...
Ayumi~ They are brothers but not my brothers...I'm just their Girl- friend

(Y/N)~ Nice to meet you guys! * bowed *
===Back to the mansion===
You puts down your bag and changed your clothes to your indoor clothes, these days you love to spend your time by sitting at the balcony and stare up the sky, daydreaming...
~ Hmmm...Ayumi is a best friend to me now * smile *

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