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saskia ran

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saskia ran.

with one pounding footstep in front of the other, she pushed onward even when the persistent burning in her lungs threatened her survival. the shots in the distance caused her to keep going, no matter how far she would have to run. the brunette tried her best to not spare a glance backwards, but it proved difficult as she had lost sight of sawyer altogether.

"sawyer!" saskia screamed with desperation ripping through her voice, briefly looking over her shoulder in hopes of catching a glimpse of her older brother who was supposedly right behind her.

sawyer's absent response was the only thing that caused saskia's pace to slow that day.

slow, not cease.

her breaths quickened, and her chest rose up and down heavily. saskia's wide eyes scanned the surrounding area every few seconds to avoid another run in with their captors. it would not be pleasant for either of them. no matter the original intention, their escape would bring even more wrath down upon them.

saskia neglected to watch her path as her eyes were kept up ahead of her, which caused her foot to catch on a lone root sticking out of the ground. the small girl of barely thirteen tumbled to the ground and reached her hands out to grab the knife that had slipped out of her belt after making contact with the ground. her senses failed her in that moment.

spare for the aching in her ankle, saskia breathed in relief, knowing that she would be okay if she could just get up and keep going. she put her hands on the ground to push herself up when they were kicked from underneath her. she fell to the ground again with a sickening thud and felt the wind knocked out of her lungs as she struggled to take another breath. a whimper fell from her lips as she looked upwards.

"don't think about it," the voice spoke menacingly with a gun aimed right at her head.

goosebumps covered the youth's skin like a rocky landscape. the warning sign did not go unnoticed to the girl, and she gulped. if only she had not been stripped of her gun earlier. if only things had occurred differently. if only.

she rose her hands in the air slowly, though she kept her knife tucked away in her sleeve to attack later if she found a chance, and locked eyes with her attacker. she had relocated in seconds earlier and stealthily slipped it up her tattered sleeve. she continued hoping that it would stay out of sigh.

he smirked and ran his tongue over his dry and blood spattered lips before releasing the safety on his gun. saskia lifted her chin and awaited the fire. she would not beg for mercy, nor would she go down like the scared little child she was supposed to be.

instead, a gun shot rang through the air from farther away. saskia's saving grace. the body that had once towered over her crumbled to the ground and blood spilled out of the man's head. a perfect shot between the eyes. sawyer. he had the best aim saskia had ever witnessed, even in a time like this.

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