Chapter 2

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Tooth's POV

During lunch I sat next to Jack. My heart was pounding out of my chest I swear. He was so close to me and I was so close to him. "Tooth are you ok, you're turning red?" Jack asks and places a hand on my forehead. "I-I'm fine." I smile. He smiles back, "Thank God." Why is he gosh darn cute like he's smile can kill me. I'm in love.

Elsa's POV

I sit on the opposite, furthest end of the table away from Tooth and Jack. Truthfully, I think they would be a cute couple. Then I watch as he places his hand on her forehead, I start to choke on my burrito. Anna taps my back, "Els are you ok?" I cough, "Yeah I'm fine went down the wrong way." I take a deep breath and close my eyes. "Woo, I almost died." I laugh it off, but Anna looks at me with concerned eyes, "Sorry." Anna shrugs and continues eating her burger. I peek at Tooth and Jack and... she's feeding him Jello. I couldn't help but laugh it was cute but ridiculously funny. Then I choked again. "Seriously Elsa eat properly." Anna says concerningly. I laugh and choke, "S-sorr-rry."

Inhaling and exhaling, slowly I look up and Jack and I make an awkward eye contact. Well awkward for me at least. I place my hand over my other hand showing my ring finger as if I was flipping him off. He blinks his eyes in disbelief then I remove my hand and show him that it's not what he thought I was doing. He chuckles from across the table, I couldn't help but blush lightly. Blushing?! I slap myself in the face.

Everyone looks at me weirdly now, "What... there was a bug on my face." I play it off cool.

After school I ran into Jack. "Hey Elsa." I return the greeting, "What's up Jack." We walk side by side down the hall, "You know what's stressing me out." "What?" I ask him curiously. "Relationship and love stuff." I express amusement and deepen my voice, "Why is that young lord? Too many young beautiful maidens to choose from?" He chuckles and plays along, walking in an old-fashioned manner, "Ah indeed. But I am searching for the right one." I nod my head, "I see, I see. What do you search for m'lord?" He strokes his chin, "A lady who'll make me laugh, beautiful of course, passionate, willing to try new things, adventurous. Self-less, independent and loyal."

"Interesting, I might say those are good qualities, m'lord."

"Hahaha ok on a serious note, say I asked you out what would your response be?"

I hesitate. If I said yes, then he'll know I like him... and if I said yes it would be awkward. "Unfortunately, no." He nods at my response, "Good, it would be awkward if you said yes. We're really good friends so of course not." He walks ahead of me, ouch that hurts. He only sees me as a friend. What a wonderful world.

Tooth approaches us and 'accidentally' falls into Jack. He catches her in time, "Woah there be careful." I see her face turn red, "I'm sorry I'm so clumsy." I roll my eyes, yeah Tooth is my best friend but sometimes she's a little bit naïve. "Well I should get going." I say as I walk pass. "Where you are going?" Jack calls. I turn around and answer, "Girl's bathroom wanna join?" He shakes his head and chuckles. I smile in return, but I wasn't heading to the bathrooms I was just giving them their 'their' time I guess.

At home, I lay on my bed thinking about Jack... and Tooth. Ugh. I need to clear my mind. I grab my penny board and Nikon camera. I knock on Anna's door, no response but all I hear is giggling and shuffling. I do not want to enter her little lair. I go downstairs and outside. Riding down the hill towards the beach. I reach the peaceful beach and started taking pictures. I roam up and down the beach with a snap and a snappity snap. Exhausted, I sat down near the shoreline and drew in the sand. I take a look at the time, oh shoot dinner time. I quickly skate back up the hill.

They're already having dinner without me?! How dare they. I enter the household and plop myself down next to Anna. She was busy on her phone probably texting Kristoff. I sigh and dug into my pasta. After dinner I cleaned up and went to bed. Let's hope tomorrow will consist of something different.

End of another chapter ya'll. Hoped you enjoyed. please vote & comment if you want to, much love xo

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