Chapter 11

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Elsa's POV

Jack drops me off home. I enter the quiet house and lay down on the couch. I might be on an emotional roller coaster, and can't make my mind up on things but I've realised what I want. I want to be with Jack. The only problem is Tooth... The door opens, and Anna comes in with shopping bags. "Hey sis, need help?" She drops the bags, "Nah." And sits on the couch. "Tooth is so tiresome." I sit up, "Why's that?" She slouches down the couch, "She's become demanding, bossy and pushy. Ever since I told her about your crush on Jack she's gone crazy. Changed her hair as you saw, her personality changed to a whole new level, and now she's popular? Man, I can't even deal with her anymore."

"You know what makes me wonder is... if this is who she really is, and she was just faking the entire time or she's faking who she is now." Anna nods as to agree to what I said. "Interesting... anyways how was your little date with Jack?" I shoot up in a sitting position, "It wasn't' a date and how'd you know?" She smiles cheekily, "Kristoff told me he saw you two at that café you like so much." I lay back down, "Oh, it wasn't really a date. We were just hanging out. He took me to the art gallery, well I asked him to take me there and he just tagged along." She giggles, "Kristoff also mentioned that Jack looked calmer and natural with you." I choke on my own saliva, "You're lying." She hums, "Nope. But hey I think he deserves you than Tooth." "Umm what?"

She twirls her hair with her finger, "I think Jack and you suit each other well." I laugh it off as if it was a joke, "Yeah totally, now go get your stuff off the floor." She wiggles her eyebrows, "Aye, aye captain."

Jack's POV

Still wrapped in a towel I go into my room and look at my phone. Three miscalls from Tooth, five text messages from Tooth and six snapchats from Tooth. She really can't leave me alone. I quickly change into some hoodie and sweatpants. I decide to take a jog to keep my mind off Tooth. It's best if I leave my phone at home. I start jogging down the street. When I see someone, who looks oddly familiar. Then it clicks, it's that guy back the arcade in the food court. He approaches me head down, and we pass each other like we never knew each other. Until I felt myself being pulled back. "Oh, it's you again. Where's your girlfriend to defend you huh?" I shake his arm of me, "Just go home." He spits on the ground, "Nah I want to finish what we started." Without warning he punches me in the left eye. I stumble back holding my eye, ok this guy is getting on my nerves.

I look up at him, he swings again but I duck and manage to tackle him to the ground. I punch him in the face before he pushes me off him. He swings again, and I duck just in time. I throw a punch and he narrowly misses it. I push him to the ground, "Hahaha just imagine if I f-ck-d your girl heh." He spat blood. This guy really pisses me off, I punch him again and again. Until someone pulls me back. Kristoff. Thankfully Kristoff is taller and buffer than this guy. He flips me off and jogs off. I spit on the ground. "Dude you ok? What happened?" Kristoff asks curiously. "Nothing just some d-ck that's all." Kristoff walks me home. "Thanks, dude you stopped me from almost killing that guy." Kristoff hits my back, "Be careful next time Kiddo, wouldn't want to ruin that pretty face of yours."

I look at myself in the mirror, ah great now I have a black eye, but it wasn't that bad. I grab a bag of ice and put it against my eye to prevent swelling. Emma comes up to me, "What happened big brother?" I smile, "Nothing sis, nothing to worry about." She hugs me randomly, "Ok Mr Tough guy." I sigh, great now I have to go to school and face many questions.

Next day at school, I make my way to school. Tooth runs up to me, "OMG, baby your eye?! What happened? Are you ok? Who did this to you?" She examines my eye and it looks like she's tearing up. Just why? She ushers me into the school building. Girls start looking at me, "Omg Jack has a black eye!" "It kind of turns me on." "He's a lover and a fighter aww." "It makes him look so fricking hot."

I'm getting annoyed. "Hey Tooth I'm going to the nurse's' office to get ice." "Can I come?" I look to the side, "No it's ok, it'll be quick." "Ok!" She skips off with her newly made friends. "You look relieved." I spin around, and I see Elsa leaning on the lockers behind me. Then she see's my eye, "Ouch what happened?" I have to tell her, "Ah well I ran into that guy from the arcade. We kind of... well you know." She comes up to me and touches the eye carefully, "Jeez, are you trying to get yourself killed?" I smile, "Actually shouldn't it be are you trying to kill the guy." She rolls her eyes, "Cocky much." I chuckle, "It is kinda true though, Kristoff had to stop me, before I could knock the guy out. I'm pretty tough, am I?"

"Ohh, yes really tough... does it still hurt?"

"Mm kind of... but you know what it could make it better?"

She looks at me curiously, "What?"

I smirk, "A kiss."

She raises an eyebrow, "Why don't you let Tooth do that."

"No I mean on the eye... I didn't mean as." I just embarrassed myself.

She laughs, "Fine then." She leans in and lightly kisses my eye.

"Woah I was joking, but thanks. It feels all better." I could feel my heart beat rapidly. Ah, she's too cute.

Elsa's POV

Honestly, the black eye does make him look like a badass; and I can't believe I kissed his eye. Who does that? Me...

The first two classes went by pretty fast and then it was lunch. The hardest time because now I can't sit with them and I'm not sure if Jack knows that. Maybe I should just avoid all of them then it would be fine. Just as I was about to make my way to the cafeteria. I was grabbed and dragged by... Jack. I look behind us and there's a bunch of girls chasing him. He quickly takes cover in the janitors closet with me inside. It was dark, I could feel his arms wrapped around me. His chest against my back rising up and down from breathing, his breath tickling my neck. I hear him breathe heavily like he was just running for his dear life, which he ironically was. "You look busy today..." He chuckles under his breath, "These girls... just wants to know everything... They've been asking me what happened, it's overwhelming..." I laugh, "Sucks to be you."

"Yup sucks to be me, a fine specimen who has girls chasing after him." I could feel him smile in the dark. I listen carefully, and I don't hear any running or girls squealing, "I think the coast is clear." He exhales deeply, "Ok... but can we just stay like this a little longer." I feel myself blush, I wanted to stay like this a little longer too. His body was warm against mine, I felt safe and sound. I feel my body turn facing him in the dark, "Jacko?" He just hugs me again. I feel him place his face on my head, burying his face in my hair. "Ha your hair smells nice."

I smile, "Thanks weirdo." There was just silence that lasted five minutes.

"Elsa, I-." Before he could finish the door opens and he lets go of me immediately. "What are you two doing in there?" The janitor raises an eyebrow at both of us. "Ah we were just playing hide and seek..." Jack says grudgingly. The janitor just nods his head, "Well go on it's lunch." We both scurried out of the closet.

At least I had my time on cloud nine at that moment.


Damn you janitor! What was Jack going to say to Elsa??? Thanks for reading! xo Vote if you want to <3

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