Chapter 9

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Jack's POV

What was I doing? We almost kissed. For some reason I wanted to... "How do I look Jackie?" I cringe at that name, Jackie. I just don't like it. I scratch the back of my head, "Yeah you look beautiful babe." She squeals and kisses me on the cheek. "Ok ladies and gents, time to go. Jack you're driving." I salute, and we head outside. Elsa was already waiting, I wonder what she's thinking right now.

In the car it was silent. Awkwardly silent. I look at my rear-view mirror and see Elsa looking out the window. Then I see another pair of lighter blue eyes looking at me, I quickly look away and concentrate on the road.

Anna's POV

Was Jackson Overland Frost looking at Elsa. Did I miss something? When I came into the living room those two were awkwardly standing a far distance away from each other. What happened? I look at Elsa and Jack back and forth, what happened??? We arrive at the arcade, as we enter the place was filled with kids, teens and even adults playing around, running around. "We should split up, have fun." Everyone nods in agreement. I tag along with Tooth and Elsa while the two boys run off. "So, what do you guys want to do first?" Tooth lightens up, "Let's do the horse racing one!" She grabs my hand and pulls me to the horse racing game.

Elsa's POV

Well those two ran off. I go to a basketball shooting one. Next to me a tall, dark-headed guy was shooting, and he was really good. Maybe I should go a different one, he notices me, "Want to try?" I shyly back away, "No it's ok." "No please go ahead." The random guy pulls me towards him. "I'll show you." Without permission he places the basketball in my hand, he holds my elbow up, I could feel his breath at the back of my neck causing chills down my spine. "Now... shoot." I throw the ball and it gets in. "It got in!" I jump excitedly. He laughs. Then in the corner of my eye I see what I assume his other friends heading towards us. Ok now I need to go, "I think I should get going." He frowns, "Aww stay a little longer." His friends arrive and surround me, now I'm scared. I nervously laugh, "Hahaha I think my friends are wondering where I am." Another guy stops me from leaving, "Someone this hot shouldn't be left by themselves, hmmm you're a senior high student?" I nod oblivious. They smirk.

I back up against the game, now I'm screwed. Then someone pushes through and grabs my hand, "Sorry fellas' but she's mine." I look at the person clearly and it's Jack. He intertwines his fingers with mine and pulls me away from them. I feel myself blush, he said I'm his? Hey, it was only to help me out of that situation, don't think of it as anything else. After we walk away out of their sight he lets go of my hand. "Are you ok?" He looks at me concerningly. I sigh in relief, "I am now... thanks."

"No worries, where's Tooth and Anna?"

"Ah they ditched me, Kristoff?"

"I lost him, this place is pretty big. But I bet he's with Anna and Tooth."

We stand there awkwardly. "Thanks again." I couldn't think of anything else to say. "Again, no problem, those guys looked like they're in college." I move my head up and down in agreement. "Hey about before..." I look at him confusingly, "Before?" "Back at your house." Oh, he means that... "It was nothing... we were just messing around." I reply laughing nervously. He just runs his hand through his hair which is sexy as fuuudge. "Maybe we could go buy pizza and wait for the rest of them." He suggests. "Yeah."

We head over to the food court and ordered pizzas and icees. As I sit down waiting for Jack to come with the pizzas, I notice the same group of boys coming towards the food court. I hesitate and look away. "Hey, isn't it that the chick." "Where's the boyfriend? Ditched her again?" I go on my phone to seem like I'm occupied. But that didn't help, one of them approaches me and sits next to me. I didn't look up, "Hey cutie, where's your man when you need him?" I continue to ignore him. "Hey, I'm talking to you, didn't your mother ever teach you manners?" I could sense annoyance in his voice. I look straight into his brown eyes, "My mother taught me not to talk to douches like you." He arches an eyebrow, "Ouch, I see you're a feisty one, I like that." He makes me want to gag. He reaches over and touches my thigh, I flinch and slap his hand away. He gets agitated and hovers above me. I lean back startled when he was pulled back. "Piss off." Jack says firmly. The guy glares at him and shoves him aside. Jack gives a dirty look and pushes the guy back violently.

At that time the guy had his hand in a fist ready to punch Jack. I quickly get up and stand between them. "Hey enough, there's families around... just leave him Jack he's not worth it." I grab Jack's arm ushering him to let the other guy be. The guy and his crew walk away crossly. He puts his arm around me and watches the group of college guys leave. "Hey... Hey Jack... Jacko it's fine." He faces me and sighs in relief. "Umm your arm..." I point to his arm, he quickly pulls his arm away. Then a few minutes later Anna and them, came over and sat down. "Ooh yes pizza!" I stand up and let Tooth sit next to Jack, I re-seated next to Anna.

Anna's POV

Elsa's moves next to me. Which is making me think... what were those two doing? I take a slice and bite down.

Jack's POV

We ate quietly. After we finished eating Tooth clings on my arm and begs me to go in the photo booth with her. I agree and we both go into the booth. Majority of the photos is us kissing or me or her kissing one's cheek. Another round we did goofy poses. Then the last round we did couple poses I don't know...

As we came out it was Anna and Kristoff's turn. I look around wondering where Elsa was. She was leaning against a wall on her phone. Honestly, feel sorry for her...

Elsa's POV

I get a text message from Rapunzel...

Rapunzel 😎❤

R: Hey girly 😃, was wondering if you're free tomorrow night?

E: That's a school night.

R: I know.

E: I think I'm free.

R: Good because we're going nightclubbing!!!

E: But we're underage...

R: Don't worry I got sources we'll get in easily don't worry.

E: ok then 😐

R: Loosen up Els live alittle. 😝😝😝

Nightclubbing... especially underage... Should I go or...not.


Should Elsa go or no??? And is Rapunzel a good influence to Elsa? Tell me in the comments :D Thanks for reading!!! xoxo

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