Chapter 15

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Elsa's POV

Why did I run?

Was I afraid? 

Was he seriously going to kiss me?

I hide in the girls bathroom catching my breath. I should've not ran... I place my face in my hands. Contemplating everything. Anna enters the bathroom. She looks at me I look at her. "What are you doing in here?" she asks.

"I was just um using the bathroom?" I say it more like a question.

"Elsa what happened to your arm?" She comes up to me and grabs my arm revealing the bandage I had on. I look at her with sad eyes.

"Don't tell me you started harming yourself again?" Her voice hinting concern.

"It was just that one time, I won't do it again... I just got caught up in the moment." 

"Els please tell me what's happening, I'm your sister. Don't leave me stranded, talk to me." she pleads. 

I sigh and tell her my encounter with Tooth and her girls in the bathroom. As I tell her, her eyes fired up and she looked hella mad. "WHAT!" she shouts. I try to quiet her and calm her down. "No Elsa this is bullying! This is wrong!" She turns to leave.

"Where you going?" I call.

"Where else?" I could sense anger in her tone. I grab her before she exits the bathroom, "No Anna you'll make it complicating then it already is."

She looks at me with anger yet sadness, "I don't understand Els... we have to tell Jack. Tooth is psychotic freak."

"Please don't tell him... not yet." I plead with tears in my eyes.

She sighs and hugs me, "Fine but when I reached my limit with that freak I'm going to explode and you won't stop me."

I smile slightly and hug her back, "Okay okay."

As we exit the bathroom Jack is waiting on the side. "Jack..." 

"Elsa can I talk to you?" he asks.

Anna looks at me and nods and pushes me towards him. 

We sit down at a bench outside in silence before he spoke up, "I'm sorry Els... about before. I know you don't like Peter and I was just you know, trying to help you out." He runs his hands through his hair.

"It's alright Jack... I just got surprised that's all." 

He nods his head, "I see."

There was another moment of silence when we both spoke, "Jack." "Elsa."

We laugh, "You go first." He says.

"No no you go, mine isn't that important." I smile.

"Well I was wondering if you want to come over mine after school." he asks nervously.

"Sure!" I answer almost immediately.

"Cool... your turn."

"Oh yes... it's about Tooth, how's it going so far?" I know it was a unexpected question but I wanted to know.

"Not good really. I just need to end things with her, I tried last night but she kept diverting the conversation." he shrugs.

I place my hand on his hand, he looks up at me, "Hang in there." I say sympathetically. He smiles and places his other hand on top of mine. "As long as you're with me." He says almost whispering.

Butterflies are erupting in my stomach. His hands were so warm and calming, my worries disappeared into thin air.


After school Jack drives me to his house. Inside I'm welcomed by his little sister and mother. "We'll be in my room." Jack calls to them before we go inside.

I plop myself on his bed, it's been along time I've been in his room. It still remained the same, light blue walls, electric blue bed, and other knicks-knacks. We decide to order pizza and watch a movie. Half-way through the movie I feel a set of eyes glancing at me.

I look over and my eyes meet his. He quickly looks away shyly and I smile, he's so cute. I feel him place his hand on mine sending butterflies in my stomach again. We look at each other, I look down at his lips. He chuckles, "What are you looking at?" 

Embarrassed I jump back hitting my head on his bed head. I swear my face is so red right now, I could feel it heat up. I groan and place my hand behind my head. "Shit you okay Els?" He touches my head. "Be careful." 

"Well it was your fault." I pout.

He laughs, "How was it my fault?"

"I... you just- Ugh you know why." I stutter.

He lifts my chin to face him, "But you were looking at this weren't you?" He licks his bottom lip.

I look away blushing, "You wish!" He laughs again. He makes me face him again, "Oh come on Els, aren't I irresistible?" 

I giggle, "In your dreams."

"Els..." His face inches closer to mine, our lips only millimeters apart. My heart starts pounding. I feel his breath. I close my eyes and then I feel warmth and soft feeling on my lips.


I couldn't hold back. I kiss him back. He slowly pushes me on my back on his bed. Hovering above me not breaking the kiss. The kiss was gentle and sweet. I wrap my arms around his neck, and let out a small moan when he deepens the kiss. Our lips were moving in sync. I feel his tongue trace my bottom lip, I allowed his tongue to explore my mine. Now the kiss was passionate yet still sweet. He kisses down my jawline then down my neck causing me to let out another soft moan. He travels back up my neck and returns to my lips. I feel like my heart is going to explode.

His hands pinned down mine, our fingers intertwined. He stops and pulls away, smiling down at me. "Elsa... you have no idea how much I..." he pauses and looks at me straight in the eyes, "I like you."

My heart does a little happy dance and happy tears start to fall down my cheek.


I smile back up at him, "I like you too."

He grins and crashes his lips against mine. He kisses my tears away and leans his forehead against mine, "Gosh you're cute."

I'm so happy. He makes me happy.


Awww finally a Jelsa kiss!!!!!!!! Sorry it took me a LONG time to update. Busy with school and started other stories. What happens with things between Tooth now? I guess we'll see.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2018 ⏰

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