Chapter 6

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Anna's POV

I woke up to the sound of loud music playing. Who the hell is playing so loud early in the morning. I get up and open my door it was coming from Elsa's room. I bang on the door, "Can you keep it down!" The volume of the song lowers a little but still wasn't helping. I go back to my room and shut the door. I face plant onto my bed and pull the pillow over my head. Ugh. Still couldn't go back to bed I decide to get ready. The music was no longer blasting through the house, luckily my parents go to work early. I get ready, a black skirt and maroon shirt and owl necklace to compliment the shirt. I tie my hair into a high pony tail.

I go downstairs, and I see Elsa. She's wearing a black tank top, ripped short overalls, black timberland boots, rings on majority of her fingers and a choker. When she faces me, I can see she's wearing a light coat of mascara and a thin line of eyeliner, her hair done in a waterfall braid. She really as out done herself today, is she trying to make Jack want her. "No, I'm not." She says as if she read my mind. "We're going to school Elsa not a party..." She turns and faces me, "Anna don't ruin my persona today. I want to be different and it feels great. I'm a working progress." I look at my sister weirdly, what the hell happened to the old Elsa.

I awkwardly left the house with Elsa. We walk to school in silence. As we arrive at school I spot Jack and them and headed over to them, but Elsa continued walking into school. I hesitate as I approach them, "Morning guys."

"Morning babe." Kristoff kisses me on the cheek. I smile. I look over at Jack and Tooth holding hands for some reason it just doesn't feel natural. "Anna where's Elsa?" I hesitate again looking down at hands, "Uh she's here. She went inside." They look at me confusingly, "She just went inside..." I nod. "Wh... now I'm confused." Said Jack. I nod agreeing.

Elsa's POV

I go to my locker, I could feel people looking at me but that didn't bother me. A guy approaches me, "Sup girl." I eye him up and down and roll my eyes. "Hold on a sec... Elsa?" the guy says half-heartedly. "Yeah that's me." His eyes widen, "Holy shit damn." I ignore him and walk down the hall. Then I see Anna and them, that's when I pause and quickly turn a corner. Please don't let them see me. I watch them walk pass as I hid in the corner. My heart was pounding but luckily, they didn't see me. I quickly scurried away. After two classes I go to my lockers to get my books for my next class when Anna comes up behind. "Why are you hiding!" I turn around frighten, "Ssshhh." "No, no shush, everyone's been asking where the hell you are and it's about time you fricking come out from hiding, especially now that it's lunch."

"Fine, fine."

"You might look different but you're still the same in the inside." She's right, I just wanted a fresh look that's all.

The rest of the gang is at the table already. I stop in my tracks ready to turn back but Anna grabs my arm and drags me towards them. Too late I'm at the table. I awkwardly stand there not making any eye contact with any of them. "Elsa? Is that really you?" That was Tooth's voice. I didn't dare to look at them, Anna grabs my arm and pulls me down to sit next to her. I gawkily greeted everyone, "Heeeey guuuyys..." Still didn't look at any of them but I could feel their eyes on me. "So... how's your day been so far?" I continue the conversation. "You cut your hair? There's also a slight different shade to it." Tooth's voice again. I take a deep breath and look up at them. "Yup... I'm just going to eat now." I take a bite out of my chicken sandwich.

I look up and see Jack looking at me. I quickly look down at my sandwich. My heart starts beating rapidly, no this isn't meant to be happening. Must let this feeling for him go. Does he not like my hair? Heck why do I care it's my hair I can do whatever I want to do with it. I take another big bite of my sandwich. I slightly take a peek at him and he's looking at me again. I quickly divert my gaze to another table. What the hell. My hearts racing, the blood is just pumping through me so fast. I swallow the chewed sandwich. Ok let's not make this awkward... "So, I heard you two got together, isn't that great, you two are cute together. I'm so fricking happy for the both of you." I continue biting down my sandwich.

Jack's POV

I keep taking glances at Elsa. I couldn't help but look at her every now and then. Her new hair suited her well. Hell, she's beautiful, she's always beautiful. Aye calm down you got a girlfriend. "So, I heard you two got together, isn't that great, you two are cute together. I'm so fricking happy for the both of you." I look at Tooth and she's smiling like crazy. "Well it just kind of happened... over the phone." I nod at her statement. I look over at Elsa and she's just nodding but it seems like she's not even listening. Tooth hugs me tightly, I hug her back weirdly. Elsa giggles to herself, what was she laughing at.

After lunch I slowly made my way to class then there was a tap on my shoulder, honestly, I hope it's not Tooth she's been so clingy ever since we started dating. I turn around and there stood the platinum blonde rose-gold haired girl, man that's hard to say, she smiles at me. We continue to walk side to side, "How's Tooth?" I scratch my head, "Ah she's great. She's fun to be around..." Elsa nods her head, "If you guys go strong..." She mimics the typical wedding song. I shove her playfully, "Ha I don't know." She leans on my shoulder, "Are you telling me that she doesn't fit the description that you told me a few days back?" I shake her arm off my shoulder, "Can you stop putting me on the spot. Enough about me how about you? Your hair? Is that new piercings?" She nods, "Well I decided it was time to get a new look." "Well you look really good, suits you." I say nervously. She bites her lip, "Thanks Jacko."


"Yeah Jacko sounds way better than Jack even..." she shivers, "Jackie." I shiver too reminds me of thing. "Jacko the wacko? What'd ya think?"

I laugh, "Not bad."

Elsa's POV

Ok I know I said I'll stay away from him but come on he's my friend... We walk into our next class together and all eyes are on me. I smile slightly and take a seat next to Jack. During class I kept taking small peeks at Jack, for some reason back in the hall it doesn't seem like he likes Tooth the way she likes him. It seems like he's dating her because he doesn't want to hurt her feelings. Ugh he's too nice, it hurts.

"Psst Elsa." I look over at Jack, "What?" He doesn't say anything else, "Jacko what is it?" He continues to ignore me, what the hell. I return back to my work, "Oi..." This time it wasn't Jack's voice, no it was kind of deeper than Jack's. I turn around and it's Peter Pan.

He winks at me.

Peter fricking Pan do you think he'll sweep Elsa off her feet? Hmmm who knows. Thanks for reading <3 Vote & Comment if you want to much love xo

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