Chapter 5

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Elsa's POV

Next morning I'm in the school's girl's bathroom, I pace back and forth. Anxious and worried how she'll react to what I'm about to tell her. Tooth comes into the girl's bathroom, "Hey Elsie." I stop pacing and confront her, "Tooth there's something I have to tell you." Tooth eyes shimmer, "Actually there's something I have to tell you too." I allow her to go first, "I don't know how to say it but me and Jack are finally dating!!!" My heart sank to my feet. "Can you believe it! I asked him, and he said yes. Oh my gosh. Elsa, I just want to thank you so much for being there for me and supporting me. You encouraged me, without you this wouldn't have happened..." She continues blabbering on, I try to listen, but I couldn't, "Me and Jack are dating." Just echoed through my head. I bite my tongue and tasted blood. I really did it didn't I.

"Oh, my I'm so happy for you! I told you so!" I smile weakly. She hugs me tightly, "Thank you thank you for encouraging me. Love you so much Elsie. Oh, what were you going to tell me?" I bite my lip, "Ah I was just going to say I'm proud of you!" She hugs me again, "Well gotta go he's probably waiting for me." Tooth left the bathroom. I stand looking at myself in the mirror, it's ok it's alright.

My reflection spoke: "You're too late... but isn't this what you wanted? You wanted her to be happy and look she's happy. Didn't you say her happiness is more important than yours? All your friend's happiness is important than yours? You told yourself that you don't deserve happiness... you lost happiness the day you watched your parents burned."

Tears start to form, I grip the sides of the sink staring back at my reflection.

My reflection continued to speak: "The smell of smoke... ashes... burning. You wanted to burn with them. I feel sorry for you, I feel sorry for us. Happiness doesn't exist in our world. It's just sorrow and madness."

I begin to sob then cry. I look back at my reflection and tears falling down my eyes.

My reflection: "But it's ok... because they're happiness equals your happiness. You're happy right?"

I look down at my hands they were white for gripping the sink too hard. I want to go home. I wash my face quickly and grab my bag. I left school without any notice. Anna's parents weren't at home, thank God, I have alone time. I put on my earphones and Troye Sivan – 'Talk me Down' starts playing. I stand at the edge of the cliff and look down, a big drop into rocks and the ocean. I sat down on the peak my legs dangling off the edge. I close my eyes and let tears fall down my cheek. The song continues to play, and it touches my heart causing me to be even more emotional.

I need to let Jack go. I need to let Jack go. I need to let Jack go. I need to let Jack go. Jack is with Tooth be happy for her, be happy for them.

I open my eyes and look up to the sky, seagulls flew gracefully in an arrow. I need to let go. I undo my braid and run my hands through my hair. I need to start a new. I stand up and decided to go to the piercing parlour and get my second ears pierce done. Few minutes later I return back into the house. I grab a pair of scissors and went into the bathroom. "Goodbye long hair." I chop off my long hair to mid-length. My natural wavy platinum blonde hair fell to the ground. I look into the mirror and actually I don't look that bad. In fact, to spice it up... I grab a rose gold hair dye and lightly highlight my hair. After 30 minutes I take a shower, rinsing my hair. I wipe the foggy mirror and to my surprise it suits me really well.

I blow dry my hair and paint my finger nails matte black. I tie the top part of my hair into a bun. I looked at myself in the mirror and smile. New me, new everything. No feelings for Jack, remember no feelings for Jack whatsoever. I lay down on the hammock outside and began reading my favourite book 'Note to Self – Connor Franta'. The cool sea breeze rock the hammock back and forth slowly.

Then my peaceful moment was interrupted by a phone call from Anna, I sigh and decline it.

Anna's POV

"She's not picking up." I say worryingly to them. As in them, Jack, Tooth and Kristoff. "When was the last you saw her Tooth?" Tooth places her finger on her lips, "In the girl's bathroom." I begin to bite my nails. I think she's hurt, I told her to tell Tooth that she likes Jack but then that backfired when they began dating. And probably Tooth told her about them before she could tell Tooth how she feels. Now she's probably heartbroken and ran off somewhere to who knows where. There was five minutes left before school finished. I pace up and down the school halls, "She couldn't have gone far... maybe she went home."

"Not feeling well?" Jack suggests. I nod my head in agreement but she's not sick at all. The bell finally rang, "I'm going to go home and if she's there or not I'll let you guys know ok?" They all nod. I quickly ran back home as fast as I could. I walk into the house, no one in the kitchen nor the living room. I go upstairs and check in her bedroom she wasn't in there either. I even check my room, nope. Now I'm panicking. I look outside my window and I see someone on the hammock.

I ran downstairs and into the backyard. I look closely, that wasn't Elsa. Who is that? How did she get in here? I walk closer to the intruder and to my surprise it was Elsa. But with different hair and a second piercing. She notices me and places her book down, "Hey sis." My eyes widen, and I'm taken back. "Els... what did you do to your hair? And another set of piercings?" She smiles slightly, "You don't like my hair? I think it looks cool, compliments my eyes. Don't ya think?" Truthfully it does suit her but what made her even do this. She raises an eyebrow, "Something the matter?" I shake my head no, "Not anymore... you disappeared from school all of a sudden, we were just worried." She nods her head, "I reflected, and I need to let Jack go... I know it'll take time but anyways he's just a phase." I shake my head in disagreement. I head back inside the house and text the group that Elsa was at home, but I didn't tell them what I came home to.

--------------------- Another end of another chapter :D

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