Chapter 13

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Elsa's POV

Next day at school I return Jack his hoodie and went into the girl's bathroom. When the bathroom door opens. I turn to look and its Tooth and two of her minions standing their arms crossed. "Hey Tooth..."

"Don't hey me backstabbing bitch."

"Wh-what?" She steps forward, "You heard me, and don't pretend that you're not trying to STEAL my boyfriend."

"Tooth I have no idea what you're talking about." She comes closer to me and pushes me to the floor. As I was about to stand back up she pushes me back down. "Tooth what are you doing?" Her two minions both hold me down. "Yesterday I saw you and him. You're really sly Elsie. A REAL snake." I start to get angry, "Me? A snake? You're the snake here. You're the backstabber. You're the real bitch here." I could see fire in her eyes, she slaps me across the face. "I swear, I wish I never met you and I wished you never existed. Ha you know what you should've burned." My heart sank. "You should've burned with your parents when you had the chance. You're a worthless piece of sh-t." I went speechless, no words came out of my mouth it's like she sealed it tight with just harsh words.

The two girls pick me up and drags me to a stall. Tooth grabs me by the hair and dunks my head down the toilet, "Ah maybe drowning is better way to go then burning don't ya think?" She pulls my head up and I gasp for air. "Now... you stay away from Jack. Don't you dare go near him..." She leans in my ear and whispers, "You'd don't want your name on a gravestone nor Anna's." They let me go and left the bathroom. I sit on the floor breathing heavily. Tears started falling down my face. I slowly get up my legs feel weak. I can't stay at school, I need to go home. I silently left the school notifying the admin that I wasn't feeling well.

As I get home I take a shower to get rid of the toilet water. I go into the kitchen and grab a knife, and headed to the cliff. What hurts the most is when she mentioned my parents... That hurt like hell. She didn't have to remind me. I take the knife and cut my wrist twice. I watch the blood drip over the edge. I look at my reflection on the knife and throw the knife to the ground. She even threatened to hurt Anna... I let the blood drip down my hand. It stings. I don't wanna anyone to see this. I head inside and bandaged it up, I put on a black long-sleeved shirt with blood red roses on it.

I lock myself in my room and listen to music full volume. I just want to drown out reality.

The next morning, I wake up. My eyes red from crying last night. I rebandaged and got changed. I quickly put on my earphones before leaving my room. I didn't want to talk to anyone today. Anna see's me, she says something, but I can't read her lips too well. I shrug and head outside.

Anna's POV

"Els are you feeling ok?" She looks at me but then goes outside. She has her earphones in she didn't hear but is she ok? Did something happen? I head outside and she's waiting for me but doesn't say anything. We head to school in silence. I take a glance at her and I notice her eyes seem red, has she been crying? And the aura she's putting off seems gloomy. We arrive at school and she go straight inside the school building. I'm worried. Yesterday she went home early and today she's not acting like herself.

Kristoff hugs me from behind. I feel comfort, but I'm concerned about Elsa.

Elsa's POV

I head straight to my locker. I open it and inside was hate notes from Tooth's minions. I grab them all and chuck 'em in the trash. Then I see Jack and Tooth heading my way. I quickly turn the other direction and walk towards the library. I ended up staying in the library the whole day. I skipped all my classes and ended up having after school detention this afternoon.

I head to the detention room. In there was Peter when he see's me he grins but then frowns. I sit away from him, but he ends up sitting next to me. "A good girl like you has detention? Why are you in here for?" I respond unlively, "Didn't go to any of my classes today." He leans back on his chair amused. "Welcome to the club."

He looks at me again, "Hey... have you been crying?" I turn away from him, "What makes you think that?" "Your eyes..." I hide my face, "No idea what you're talking about."

Peter's POV

Hey, I like messing with girls but if I see a girl that's upset it kind of saddens me. She hides her face from me. I notice something, poking out of her sleeves was a bandage. I want to ask her what happened. I'm curious guy you know. "Hey..." no response, "Oi..." She looks at me with sadden eyes, I look away slightly, "What happened to your wrist?" She looks down at it and pulls her sleeve to cover it. "Nothing." It sure was something, why was she hiding it though. Did she injure herself? I was about to ask her again, but the teacher enters and tells us to remain silent for the next hour.

Elsa's POV

Detention finished, and I head out the door. I could hear Peter yell out my name, but I ignore him and went home. I get home and inside I see Anna, Tooth, Jack and Kristoff all studying in the living room. Tooth glares at me so I keep my head down and went straight to my room. I open my window and climb through it. I sit on my roof regaining my composure when I almost slipped off. I start sketching and drawing.

I close my eyes and drift off into an abyss.


If any of you readers are going through a tough time you'll get through the storm. Believe me. You are worth it, you are unique, you are loved. If you need someone to talk to you can talk to me or someone close that you trust. This world if full of people who would stab you in the back or support you all the way. Just lift you head up and you'll get through it. YOU are strong, YOU are beautiful.

Thanks for reading xoxo

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