Chapter 13

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I look at the clock that's above the shelves behind the bar. It's been 10 minutes since Josh went to the bathroom. I glimpse toward the way i saw him disappear, hoping that i would see his graceful body weaving through the crowd in my direction, but I don't.

Did he leave me stranded here?

Of course he didn't. Why would he do that? My subconscious never fails to bring the brighter scenarios to mind.

She was right. What could I have done to scare him away?

"Would you like a refill?"

I look up to see the bartender grinning at me. I didn't even noticed that i had emptied the glass.

"Uh, no. Thanks" I tell him ever so politely.

"You, sure?" He proceeds.

"Yes. How much?" I ask. I might as well pay for the drinks.

"For you? On the house" He smirks, taking the glasses away.

 I smile wryly and get up from my seat.

But what if he comes back and can't find me? I wonder to myself.

He has your number my subconscious states rather bluntly.

I take the phone from my clutch, making sure the vibration is on so I can feel for any alerts. I lock it back and head out into the crowd. There are so many people.

What did you expect my subconscious snaps.

I mentally scold her. My eyes search around the club on where Josh could possibly be. I catch sight of a hall with few people coming in and out of it. Maybe that's where the bathrooms are. I walk towards it.

The music dims as I walk down the orange covered walk way, which wasn't the bathroom area, but a seating place, apparently where people found the advantage to make out and grope each other. 

While looking down one of the many corridors i ran into someone, hard. The drink in there hand drops on the ground and its contents spill over both of our shoes and onto the floor.

"Nice one." The voice sarcastically huffs. I kneel to retrieve the cup.

"I'm so sorry." I look up to the person to find the cup belonging to Harry. His eyes widen in surprise.

Those green eyes-- the same ones from my dream. I shake my head.

"Hey." he says, rubbing the back of his neck. 

"Hi. I'm so sorry for knocking into you and making your drink spill everywhere, and for ruining your shoes and-" 

"It's okay. Take a breath." he says raising his hands. "So, are you here all alone?" His eyes skimming over the place.

"Uh, no actually. I'm on a date."

He just nods his head. "Where is he?"

"Well he said he had to go to the bathroom, but i mean it's been a while."

"Maybe he's taken a shit."

No matter how much i wanted to stay serious about the fact that my date was missing, I couldn't help but laugh. 

"I actually took that into consideration."

"Well, if you want, I can keep you company."

"Yeah, sure." It beats sitting alone and having strangers hitting on you.

"So," he sits on one of the furnished chairs in the back which I follow suit, " You like clubbing too?"

I shrug. "It's okay. It's not really my scene, I guess"

 "Then why are you here?" He asks, confusion listed on his face.

"Well, I didn't want to say no.."

"You should have told him that. But who am I to say."

I was about to reply when i heard my name being called. Harry and I looked up simultaneously.

It was Josh.

"Hey, I've been looking for you everywhere." His breath was uneven as if he'd been running.

"Same here." I got up from my seat and walked over to him, taking a hand which he held out for me.

"You kids have fun." Harry says. I wave good bye to him and walk with Josh back out to the club.

Wasn't he wearing a jacket?

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