|[Some Insight]|

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> This is my first ever fanfic I'm writing, so don't mind any mistakes I might make! ㅇㅅㅇ

⚠️ Ahem: Swear words (foul language) and disturbing scenes! Gurl u readin a yandere fanfic, wat u expect? ⚠️

> All the BTS members and you will be in high school, so ages around that, k?
(16? 17?)

|| Hope you enjoy my cringe worthy yandere fanfic! ||


Note: Each chapter will start with your POV, unless written otherwise

Alsoooo, this book is going to have updates at least every week, if not, within maybe two-three weeks, okei?

Correction: I will probs update once every 1-4 days, since I have no lifeu

Even more correction: maybe 1-2 times a week since there's such thing as school and actual problems in life :( oh well

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