Chapter 3

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   "And the girl I will be dating is~" Hoseok left off hanging. The girls leaned in to hear more.

  "Ya!" One girl shouted. Hoseok grinned and apologized, gaining some giggles from the students. Hoseok flipped open the card, showing it to the class.

   "Yilin!" Hoseok announced. Surprised, you looked at Yilin to see if she was still alive. She was. Barely.

   "R-Really?! We'll d-date?" Yilin yelped, more surprised than probably anyone in this class. Hoseok nodded. "W-Wow!" Yilin cheered.

   "Wah! Lucky Yilin," The girls said, sad that they didn't get picked. Yilin then turned to you for your reaction about the situation, and you gave her a thumbs up. You gave her a wide smile, probably the happiest you've been for her in a while. The happiest you've been yourself in a while, even. Well,

   He saw that.

||A/N: You probably already know the unknown character POV, so I'm just going to put it as Hoseok, k? ||

Hoseok POV
Too bad Y/n didn't participate, it would've made things progress more faster. Luckily, Yilin was perfect to use in this plan.

I've seen Y/n's bright smile a couple of times now... How wonderful.

To be honest, I wanted to date no one else other than Y/n, even though the relationship with Yilin was going to be fake. She said it herself, she would never date me... yet.

Oh, she'll fall for me in due time. And if she doesn't, well, I'll make her.

   Drawing everyone's attention, the bell rang, causing confusion.

   "Woah, class is already over? Where was the teacher? Hah, we didn't even notice he was gone!" A boy grinned, walking out of the classroom.

   I turned to Y/n. She grabbed her books and started to leave the room for the next class. Wait for me.

   "Y/n!!" I quickly called. She curiously turned her head, her hair slightly covering her face. I smiled at the sight of her. I thought about my plan, and asked,

   "Do you want to hang out after school?"

Your POV
   Hang out?

   You quickly glance at Yilin for her opinion. Usually, you turn to her for second opinions.

   A frown was drawn on her face.

   You sighed. Guess that's a no.

   "Sorry, Hoseok, I've got plans," You lied. You quickly scurried out of the room, avoiding contact with him.

Third Person POV
   Yilin had formed a smile. She was glad Y/n listened to her. She skipped over to Hoseok, who was still standing, with a blank face.

   "Hoseooook~" Yilin cooed, "shall we go on a date today?" Yilin was really excited to date Hoseok. It was a once in a lifetime chance.

   Hoseok pondered for a moment. "Sure."

   Yilin smiled and locked her arms with his. Hoseok seemed to have a somewhat disgusted face, which Yilin ignored. Yilin wasn't really a slutty and fake type of girl, but she had to try her best to win Hoseok over. She knew Y/n would be upset at her actions, but she could apologize later.

   Hoseok noticed Y/n was secretly standing by the doorway, mouth agape. He shot a wink at Y/n. Embarrassed at being caught, she ran away, head down. Hoseok chuckled.


Hoseok walked at a certain distance away from Yilin. Yilin pouted at this. They were heading to a park nearby.

"Hoseooook," Yilin babbled. She came closer, but Hoseok walked further away. "What can I do to have you actually interested in this date?" Yilin pleaded. Exactly what he planned.

"Well," Hoseok smiled, "can you give me Y/n's number?" Yilin suddenly frowned at the mention of her friend's name.

"Why do you need her number? Are you guys in a relationship or what?" Yilin argued. Hoseok shook his head.

"Tell me her number and I'll go ahead and hold hands with you," Hoseok bargains. Grunting, Yilin takes out a sticky note from her purse, takes out a pen, and writes Y/n's number.

"Now can you hold my hands and walk with me?" Yilin remarks. Hoseok nods. Sighing with relief, Yilin grabs his hand and locks her arms with his. With his other hand, Hoseok reads the post it. He smirks.

It's not too long until he disposes of her.


A/N: 안녕 ❄️️ : Yay it's snowing for me •••• (Dec.)

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