Chapter 6

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   Sleepy, you opened your right eye to peek at the cause of the voice.

   A pair of brown eyes stared into yours.

   Shrieking, you backed up and fell from your chair. You hissed from the pain, and looked up. The whole class went silent, but you could hear some snickers. Embarrassed, you turned to the cause of all of this.

   "Oops, sorry Y/n, I didn't mean to scare you, I just wanted to wake you up before the teacher gets here," He reasoned. You sighed,

   "I told you not to scare me, Hoseok," You stared him down. He giggled, making most of the girls turn jealous of you. Coughing to avoid the awkwardness, you sat back down. By then, the teacher finally arrived.

   After a few more classes, it was finally time for lunch. Beginning to head out of the classroom, you grabbed your books. A voice stopped you.

   "Hey, Y/n!" He called. You suddenly glanced at him. He rushed to you, his eyes glistening. A smile tugged on your lips for a moment, seeing Hoseok's bright side. You thought he paid no attention to it, just a simple smile from a friend.

   A simple smile, one from a friend.

   "What is it?" You curiously asked. His eyes wandered the classroom, and then back to you.

   "Yilin's not here, is she?" Hoseok questioned.

   "Yeah, she's not here, why?"

   "And... Isn't she the only one you sit with at lunch?"

   Upon hearing his words, you frowned.

   Oh shit, he's right.

   "Ah, I forgot, haha. I'll just sit by myself then," You excuse yourself, and turned away from Hoseok. You tried to take a step forwards the door, but a force pulled you back.

   Surprised, you looked at Hoseok, who was gripping your wrist.

   "Come sit with me,"


   "Since you have no one to sit with, sit with my friends and I,"

   You then face-palmed. Sitting with the BTS, oh, you'd be dead right after. Imagine all the crazy jealous fan girls, oh god. You couldn't handle them.

   "Thank you, Hoseok, for worrying about me, but I'll be fine," You lied.

   He saw through your lie immediately.

   "No, you won't be fine, and forget about your worries. Come on," Hoseok declared, not letting you have a second say in this. You tried to refuse, but he basically dragged you in the hallways.

   You didn't know why, but you felt rather shy under his touch. You felt your cheeks flame, and you looked down to hide them. You looked at Hoseok's hand while being dragged in the hallways, and unknowingly grinned.

He grinned as well.

   As you entered the cafeteria, you already felt several pairs of eyes on the two of you.

   Great. Juuuuust greaaat.

   You glanced at Hoseok. He didn't seem to be bothered by it. Sighing, you gave up and let him lead you to the table.

"Hey, guys!" Hoseok called. The boys peered over their shoulders to look at you two. Hoseok pulled you to the table and you still looked down.

"Mind telling us who this is?" Yoongi asked. Your lips quivered a bit. To be honest, you were really afraid to talk to the most popular boys in school.

"This is Y/n, and she'll be sitting with us because her best friend Yilin is not here, and she usually sits with her," Hoseok explained.

   The boys simply nodded their heads, and Hoseok led you to two empty seats.

   "Have a seat," He offered.

   "Thank you," You muttered. After taking a seat, Hoseok sat down next to you, and you started to take out your lunch from your lunchbox. Today, you packed some sushi and a juice box.

   "Would you mind sharing some?" Hoseok pleaded. You looked at him, and shook your head.

   "Preeeetttyyy pleeease?"

   "Nuuu," You confirmed. You could feel the boys staring at you both. Aish.

   Out of nowhere, Hoseok did some aegyo.

   "Y/n~ Hobi wants sushi!"

   Burning up (HAH! GET IT?) , you faced down to your sushi.

   "Hoseok, you can't do that to girls, you'll kill them!" Taehyung joked. The others began to laugh, and you unknowingly joined in too.

   "Wah, you have a great laugh, Y/n," Namjoon commented. You could feel yourself burning up again, and turned to him.

   "Thank you, Namjoon," You replied with a smile. You figured you should at least try to talk to them. As you looked away from Namjoon, he began to blush.

   "Haha, Joon's blushing," Jimin whispered.

   "Oh be quiet you jamless boy!" Namjoon snapped. Everyone then laughed again, and you did too. You somehow thought that they weren't that different from any normal person.

Third POV
   Hoseok frowned. He didn't like Namjoon getting along well with Y/n. He didn't like it at all. He observed Y/n for the rest of lunch.

   Watching her smile, pout, blush, blink, everything.

   Hoseok thought of a way to get closer to Y/n without any violence. Though he had did some wrong in the past, doing it again was not his forte.

   Unless, of course, if violence would make her his.

   And so, he would do anything.


   When the day was finally over, Y/n exited the school and walked to the grocery store. She had to buy some food for dinner.

   A presence lingered behind her.

   Y/n didn't seem to notice, nobody ever does. Humming to a song, Y/n seemed to make tiny hand gestures as to parts of the dance.

   "Yeah~ Yeah we were KUNG! FU! FIGHTING!" Y/n quietly shouted. Making air punches, Y/n entered the store upon arriving.

   He waited outside. He then took out his phone.
   "So this is where she lives, huh?"

   The man turned around and walked up the street until seen no further more.

   He made sure she wouldn't come back until he was done with his business.


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