Chapter 14

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*Still continued from Servant's POV*

"U-Understood," I trembled. Hoseok grinned and lowered the gun.

"Get it done by the morning," Hoseok says, and walks away from me to the car.

I take a deep breath.

How could he do such a cruel thing?

Shaking my head, I head inside as Hoseok drives off into the night.

Grabbing a pair of gloves from my pockets, I slipped them on and walked to the girl.

It was vague, but I could tell he beat this girl to a pulp.

It would be heaven's luck if she still were to be alive.

Sighing, I untied her.

As soon as I untied her legs, she slumped to the ground, leaving a trail of blood.

What a mess...

Cringing at the foul smell, I dragged her to a nearby box in the building.

I placed her beside it.

I observed her for a moment.

Well, it was her fault for messing with Hoseok's girl.

What a shame...

Your POV
The coldness woke you up as you moved around in your bed.

Why don't you have a decent heater?

Grumbling, you stood up from your bed and checked the time.

It's this early?

Still tired, you jumped back in your bed, cuddling in the soft blankets.

Minutes passed, but you still couldn't fall asleep.

Giving up on getting more sleep, you slid out of bed and slowly walked to the bathroom.

As soon as you turned on the faucet, you heard your phone ring.

Curious, you walked back inside your bedroom and grabbed your phone on the bedside table.

You picked up the call, not reading who it was from.

"Hello?" You sleepily asked.

"Good morning, Y/n," A voice answered back.

You stood puzzled at the familiar voice.

You looked at the caller ID, but it was a new number.

"Ehm, who is this?" You asked.

"Oh, haha, sorry, it's Hoseok,"

You gasped.

He called you?

"Oh... Why did you c-call?" You stuttered.

Idiot Y/n! Why would you stutter like that? It's not like you like him, do you?

"Well, I called to ask you if you would want to hang out today,"

You suddenly internally scream for no reason.

The pause in the conversation was awkward.

"Are you there, Y/n?"

"O-Oh yeah! I'm here, ummm..."


"Sure, let's hang out," You answer. Hopefully he didn't notice the excitement in your voice.

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