Chapter 27

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Recap //

Your breathing sharpens,
As the bookcase swallows you whole.
It seems to, anyway.
You end up at a dimly lit hallway.
"Where the fuck am I?"



Still dazed, caught in the moment, you take in what just happened.

The bookcase just fucking ate me.

No, it's not that,

It took me to another place,

Behind it.

You calm down and try to see through the darkness.

This is where the voice came from...

You stretch your arms to the sides, raising them, hoping to feel a wall,

Which you did.

You trace your hands seemingly down the dark hallway,

Hearing a faint cough.

Your eyes widen.

"Hello?" You yell.

Your voice echoes further and further away,

"Is someone there?" You continue.


Unknowingly, your feet picks up pace as you are now sprinting, sprinting towards the voice, the cough,

All too familiar.

A sudden rush of coldness overwhelms you, as your head meets a cold, hard surface.


You grip your forehead in pain.

Cursing under your breath, your eyes wander over to a slim, peak of light coming from under.

Coming from in front of you.

"It's a door," You mutter.

Your hand fumbles around for the door knob, successfully finding it.

Before you could even open it, you heard a slam.

A door slamming, rather,

A bookcase slamming shut.

Who's here?

In a panic, you rush and turn the knob, quickly step inside the unknown, and shut the door, it being loud due to your state of panic.

Should've done it slowly, aishshshs.

You sigh.

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