Chapter 44

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Recap //

Picking at the locked door, it felt like minutes instead of seconds flew by.

Why won't it work?!

"Miss? Where are you?" I hear the familiar female voice.

"Shit, shit, shitttt,"

In a panic, I enter one random room, closing the door shut silently.

If Hoseok is not going to be here on other days, I can just roam around and actually look for an escape. I might have a chance.

A chance!

"Who's there?"



Your POV //

Of course, there would be some kind of consequence when doing what you're not supposed to do.

Well, in this case, I didn't even know what would happen to me now, considering I've already experienced some of the worst punishments.

It leaves me to wonder,

Why did I not simply stay in my room?

There's reasons for that, none of which would seem right to Hoseok, at least.

I mean, he's already sick in the head, what is there that he could actually understand?

Although he's not even here at the moment,

I'm already afraid of what would happen when he is.

"I said, who's there?" That voice comes again.

I didn't dare to turn my back and openly show who I was, everyone here in the mansion probably knew though, and if the person right now didn't, then,


My eyes were glued to the wooden door, my mind in a frenzy of what to say.

"U-Um, I'm a g-guest who was just visiting, but got lost," I try to explain.

I never stutter that much, but boy am I nervous, it's making me embarrassed.

"Do you think I would fall for that?" The individual replies in a deep tone.

Yeah, I know my excuses are not believable, ever. But some people are too dumb, so I'm lucky.

I'm not lucky right now.

"Who might you be?"

"A lost guest-"

"All the way up here without anyone noticing you? I'm sorry, but our service is spread widely around the household, there's no way you're just a guest to get by this easily. Tell me, who are you, Miss? Do you have business here?"

Play it cool, Y/n, play it cool...

"W-Well, your service is crap. I'm never going to come here again, so I'll go now," I answer avoiding his questions.

I know I would get heavily punished if I were to get caught for roaming around the hallway, but this servant is making me feel really uneasy.

He isn't like the other servants, at least mostly the ones I met were women, and there's nothing wrong with men, but...

I wouldn't push my luck with this guy.

Being the nervous wreck I am for weird reasons, my hands fumble over the door knob, my body shaking.

Why am I like this right now??

How is he making me tremble so much just by speaking to me?

He's just a servant.

I should leave now-

Finally being able to open the door, my right leg sharply takes a step forward to get out.

My left leg would follow-

"Who said you could leave?"

Whipping my head around slightly, and just taking a quick glance of him,

I now know I was screwed the moment I stepped into this room.

Even though my ears told me he was at least a good distance away from me, he was now right behind me, his arms snaking around my waist, before harshly pulling me back and throwing me on the floor, away from the door.

It was like I was only a feather to him.

Grunting at the pain, I curse quietly.

"I heard the Master's keeping someone he likes here," He pauses, "I'm betting that's you, beautiful."

Don't tell me he's that type of guy.

"I-If you do anything to me, you're d-dead!" I shout, hoping some other servant would hear me. This servant obviously had more strength than me, getting out with shear force isn't possible.

Hell no. I'm not going to deal with a sicko today, by any means possible.

"Missy, I was already damned the second I started working here. There's rarely any pretties, the Master is nuts, but hey, I get a good pay," he laughs.

Why won't someone hear us?!

"HELP!" I yell, "HELP! HELP! HEL-!"


He lifts up a foot, only to strike it between my neck and jawline, making me gag and choke at the same time.

"Let me have some fun before I get caught and inevitably die,"

My eyes get blurry, a few tears running down the side of my face.

I'm so stupid.

I'm actually stupid.


No one will come to this room, it's basically all the way at the end of the fucking hallway.

So, why...?

Even though I know he's not here, and probably won't be for most of the day,

Why am I hoping for him to come?

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