Chapter 11

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"Sooo," You started as you sat on a large bed. You ran your fingers on the silky bed sheets.


   A clash interrupted you as you turned to Hoseok with worry.

   "Aish," Hoseok muttered. He turned to you with an annoyed look.

   "It's my friends, I forgot they were sleeping over, must have arrived when I was still at your house," He explained.

   You simply nodded. Just then, the door quickly opened, revealing a boy.

   "Hoseok! We've been waiting for you, come on and play with us!" He called.

   The boy then turned to you with confusion.

   "Why is Y/n here?" He asks

   Hoseok then perks up, "I invited her to come over and eat, Taehyung,"

   Taehyung nods.

   "You can join us, Y/n," Taehyung adds.

   "Ah no it's okay-"

   "She will," Hoseok interrupts. You turn to him.

   You widened your eyes and shook your head, hoping he'd get that you're saying no.

    Hoseok just smirks.

   "Okei, then come on," Taehyung says and waits by the door.

   Sighing, you get up and follow Hoseok and Taehyung who walks to a door not too far.

   Taehyung excitedly opens the door. Five boys' eyes suddenly land on the three of you, then only on you.

   "Hoseok's here, and Y/n too, so she'll play with us too," Taehyung says.

   Hoseok suddenly grabs your hand and leads you to the group, then sits down on a couch. You follow as well, sitting down next to him, as you were too scared to sit next to the others.

   "Hello Y/n," Namjoon greets to lighten up the mood. The others follow and greet you as well.

   "Hi," Jungkook mumbles.

   "So what are we p-playing?" You nervously ask.

   "Well, I was thinking spin the bottle," Taehyung replied.

   You nodded as he grabs an empty water bottle from a table.

   "Let's form a circle," Jin adds.

   You then get on the floor, with Hoseok on your left, and Jungkook on your right.

   "Okay, first one," Jin starts, "Who will most likely get married first?"

   He spins the bottle and it slowly lands facing Jimin.

   The other members snicker as Jimin pouts.

   "This game isn't real anyway," He explains.

   Moving on, Jimin asks the question,

   "To spice things up," Jimin cheekily says, "The person that the bottle faces to will have to kiss someone on the cheek,"

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