Chapter 17

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   You could feel your hair swing in the air with each step.

   You could also feel yourself being carried.

   Though too tired, you open your eyes a bit too see Hoseok staring right back.

    "Just go back to sleep, Sunshine, it's late,"

   And with that small glimpse of Hoseok, you fell back asleep unknowingly.

You smelt something... good?

Jerking your eyes open, you found yourself looking at a very familiar ceiling.

"Why am I back home?"

You look around, finding yourself in your bedroom.

The aroma fills your nose again, and you get up from the bed and slowly walk to the door.

Walking through the hallway and downstairs, you hear what seems to be someone cooking.

Someone's in my house!

Scared, you quickly grab a vase on the living room table, and tiptoe to the kitchen.

You peek a bit, hiding the rest of yourself behind the wall, to see a man, cooking something.

Now your hands were trembling.

What if this doesn't work?



You ran at full speed, screaming, about to hit the vase on the stranger's head.


You stood awkwardly, slowly putting the vase on the kitchen countertop.

"And what are you doing this early in the morning, Y/n?" He said in a stern and husky voice.

You gulped.

"Eheh, why are you here, Hoseok?" You nervously asked, looking at the floor.

Great! I just embarrassed myself in front of Hoseok!

Wait, why would I care?


"I brought you home last night, and was about to leave, buuut, I figured I could stay," He replies.

Hoseok forms a cheeky smile, and turns his attention back to cooking.

You look over to what he was cooking,


"Go get ready for school, Y/n," Hoseok says.

You hadn't noticed he was already in his school uniform.

You nodded, although you thought he couldn't see it, and walked back upstairs.

Hoseok grins.

"Good girl,"

You look at yourself in the mirror for the last time.

I'm ready.

You remember the events last night, grinning.

"I guess I'll text Yilin about it," You take your phone from your bed.

   Hitting the send button after typing, you impatiently wait for her reply.


   "Y/n come down and eat if you don't want to be late for school!" You could hear Hoseok call.

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