a. ocean

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I have to go to...

The ocean.


Biting down on my lips, I turned my head around to see Hoseok, halfway almost standing, his eyes looking at my direction.

W-What? He's able to stand up?!

Now filled with more panic than ever, my mind was in a frenzy. All I could hear at that moment was my heart, pounding like crazy.

Groaning with pain, Hoseok leans his figure onto the wall, hands still clenching his head.

"You're not going to get away with this, Y/n!" he shouts, gaining my attention, "Don't you dare step any further away from here, got it?!"

Just by looking at all the blood that was the result of my attack that almost went in vain made me want to leave terribly.

Anything, I don't fucking care, just somewhere without him!

I took a step backwards, and as I was about to sprint, I heard his voice again, his words like a trigger for me to stop.

"Don't leave me, please, I love you!"



Well, he's not going to trick me again. He's lying, of course.

He's a psycho, after all. Everything innocent he does or says is just a mask of his truest desires, despicable and disgusting, even justifiable to him since it's just because he loves me, because it's 'for my sake'.

A bit reluctant, I turn away from Hoseok, looking upon the waters up ahead.

Once walking, I pick up my speed and continue to get closer to the ocean.

Rushing in, I feel the piercing coldness send shivers run down my spine, and yet, I proceed at a quick pace anyway.

With several thoughts running inside my head, I push them away, and ponder,

about my shitty life.

My parents, friends, memories, all of which were heartwarming, joyful, sad, and painful. But that's what life is.

Until he ruined the meaning of life to me anyways.

Sighing, I take one last look at the night sky, observing the twinkling stars and the bright, gleaming moon.

Feeling my neck already surrounded with water, I could only bitterly smile.

I know...

I'm weak.

I say I can do the things I never stood a chance against.

I know I don't have to do this.

I'm sorry, Taehyung, Yoongi, Jin-

I'm sorry to all of you guys.

An unexpected tear falls down my cheek, but I mindlessly ignore it.

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