Where, How, Who?

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Chapter One: Where, How, Who?

I don't know where I am, how to complete my mission, or even who I truly am.

But I do know that I will find out, and it does seem best to find out in that order. Time, after all, is limited. It's already dusk and all needs to be accomplished by the next sunset; for, my life and the life of seventy infants depends on this.

I need to think about what I do know. I do know I am in the land my brother escaped from the Black Fairy to. I also know that the reason I and the infants are here in this realm is because the Black Fairy is gone - for good. And her departure from all living realms opened a portal from the Dark Realm to all other realms - or at least all realms that inhabit the parents of the children she stole. This land must be small - only a fraction of the infants came here. There were over seven billion children in the Dark Realm - I hope that the children in the other realms have found their families. I did my best for them.

But my mission is to get these seventy children to their's. The Black Fairy especially hated the children from this Realm. One of her top priorities was to keep us apart from our families. Unfortunately, it seems to be due to a difficult relationship between her and my father.

My brother told me many things about the world outside the Dark Realm. He was able to take a few breaths here before being stolen, but he knew many things since he saw her - our mother - in dreams brought on by a sleeping curse. According to my brother, I will be able to find my mother by asking the people for the woman that holds the town's knowledge.

The time for thinking is done. I have to act. I'm in the middle of the woods with unprotected babes. I can't leave them like this, and it's too dangerous to attempt to find a shelter. I better use my magic.

The children in the Dark Realm called me the White Fairy. Wherever there is great darkness, great light must also appear. As it was my destiny, I assumed the role of the White Fairy; if not, none would have survived that Dark Realm.

I feel a crisp wind that brings me back to the present situation. It's time to act. Within minutes, I've magically put personalized clothes on each of the babes, created cradles for all, and placed them all into their own unique rooms within a 70 room mansion ~ which was also created by my magic. Besides this, a bed for the parents were placed next to each crib and a beautiful, large bathroom is connected to each suite. The mansion further contains a grand foyer, gallery, great hall, dining hall, and music room (complete with enchanted instruments). Having practiced my magic for hundreds of years, it only took a couple of snaps from my fingers. I truly believed it to be worth each second; after all, each child will be reunited with their parents within the walls of the mansion and their rooms - some even this night. I want everything to be as perfect as possible.

The next step is to send one hundred forty letters. Using blood magic, I've formed letters that will go to each of these children's parents. Them being here means at least one of their parents are here. Even my parents should be here - but I mustn't think about that or let them know until later. Me reuniting with them can only occur after each child is with their family.

I put my whole heart into each letter. No matter what I say, it wouldn't ever be enough. But I take heart in knowing being reunited will be more than enough - it will be magical. That being said, the letters say:

"Dear Parent who had lost their child to the Dark Fairy,

The Dark Fairy has been vanquished and your child has been saved. They are with the White Fairy in a beautiful mansion just prepared for you to be united.

I know this must be a shock to you, but your child is waiting. Please hurry to them. They need you.

To be reunited, simply hold this letter to your heart and wish to be reunited. You will immediately be with them."

At midnight, the last letter was sent. At the same time I heard the first grateful cries of families coming together.

Hi! It's the author, RumbellaGold.

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Read on, friends!

In the next chapter we'll learn about the families who are reuniting, see into the life of the White Fairy, and see that a long lost friend turns out to never have been lost.

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