Darkness Defeated

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It had been nearly one year since Cornelius sacrificed himself - his only way to live - for me. I put a preservation spell on him, for he still had his last breath of life in him. I was hoping someday I'd find the way to bring him back to me; yet, hope seemed to be sand falling through my hands.

Everyone in town called me a hero. They congratulated me for snuffing out the last bit of darkness in this realm. Many people gave me presents and many suitors came to call. But it meant nothing at all.

I felt like a beast. My heart was empty and I simply went through the motions of life. I stayed up all night researching blessings - and curses - that would awaken my beloved. None would work without his heart, and I didn't even know if it existed anymore.

This evening I went to Granny's. The whole town was coming out to celebrate the one year anniversary of the seventy children returning home and the freedom from the Black Fairy. I put on a brave smile and spoke kind words to everyone who thanked me for the heroic acts I'd done.

"Hey, kid." Emma clasped her hand on my shoulder, "you want to sit down for a sec? Maybe enjoy a burger with Henry."

She motioned over to my nephew sitting in a booth across from me. Henry. He's been so great and helpful. Nearly everyday he helps me in my search to find an answer in bringing back Cornelius. I nodded, thanked her, and did as she suggested.

As I sat, Henry looked up to me and smiled. "Auntie Rumby! I'm glad to see you." He immediately began taking a book out of his bag. "I need you to look at this - it's a book about all the people in this town."

He handed it over to me. "Yes, Henry, you've told me about this book before." I set it down on the table. "I've read the stories it contains."

"There's a new one, and I think you want to read it." Henry pushed the book closer to me, and I reluctantly picked it up. As if by fate, I turned to the first page of the story.

It was my story.

It contained everything that happened in my life. The Black Fairy abducting me, my life in the Dark Realm, meeting and falling in love with Cornelius, defeating the darkness and losing Cornelius - it was all there. But the last page didn't seem like the end.

"Henry, what does this mean?" My face was soaked with tears and my eyes earnestly searched for an answer.

"It means there's still hope for a happy ending! We can save Cornelius. Do you happen to still have the rose he gave you?"

With a nod I magicked it into my hand. It had been a long time since I'd seen it last. I touched the delicate petals and was reminded of the first time I met Cornelius. The flower almost felt as if it contained his love and life in it.

I gave the top of the petals a delicate kiss, and they began to unfurl. The flower glowed brightly then began to pulse. I stared down in my hands and saw a bright red heart.

"I was hoping that would happen!" Henry's shout brought everyone's attention, but I paid no mind. I magicked myself into the mansion - to the room that held Cornelius.

Oh, please work.

I lifted the preservation spell and placed the heart in Cornelius at the same time.

"Thumbelina?" Cornelius sat up and stared at me wide-eyed. After just a moment he grabbed me and I fell into his bed. We kissed and laughed. "I knew you would save me."

"It was you who saved me."

The End

Defeating Darkness (Rumbelle's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now