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I brought the ship back to port - where it had been previously. I thought I had found the perfect solution. I thought I had defeated all the darkness in the land. But it seemed to my Papa that I had only defeated him.

I peered down at the dagger. It was beautiful and powerful. It contained all of my magic and most of my life-force.

In fact, my power had been doubled when I became the Light One. I should feel strong and courageous, but I felt empty. I turned around to look at my parents.

My Mum was trying to calm my Papa. I regretted not telling him the details of what would happen. Admittedly, it was because I didn't trust he would go along with my plan. I shouldn't have expected any other reaction.

"Papa -"

"Not right now, dearie." His tone stopped my heartbeat and drained my blood. I started to feel my hot tears pour onto my cheeks.

I threw my dagger to his feet. "You can take the magic back." I neglected telling him it'd cost my life. "It's light magic but it's also much more powerful than what you had before."

I took no time to hear the reply; I ran off the boat and didn't stop as I went past Henry. I couldn't bear to face him and hear his kind words. I couldn't muster the courage to tell him the truth of what just happened. He called for me, but - like a coward - I just kept running.

I ran for hours - until I could no longer feel my legs and was panting for breath. I tried to push out my thoughts. I'm still just a girl who makes bad decisions. I'm still just a selfish, evil creature that sacrifices others' happiness for her own.

I was deep in the woods and sat with my back on the trunk of a tree. I buried my face into my knees and let the tears flow. What if my Papa wouldn't love me again because of what I did? I knew his magic was a deep part of his life. Why had I taken it away from him?

It seemed I lived in this state of self torment for days, but - in reality - it was only a few hours before I was interrupted.

"Are you okay?"

I was startled by the voice and gasped. I ran so that I could be alone - hoping without using my magic, no one could trace me. But, when I saw the one who spoke, I couldn't help but smile.

"Why, hello! What are you doing so deep in the woods, my friend?" I wiped my tears and pretended to have been happy all along. I didn't want my handsome hero thinking anything less.

"I've been searching for you. It hasn't been a coincidence that this is the third time we've met today." He had a devilish grin across his face.

My whole mind told me to run, but I couldn't. It seemed as if my feet were glued to the ground. "What do you mean?"

"You don't recognize me because of my cloaking spell, darling." He removed his necklace and I had to check I wasn't dreaming.

"My love?" It was him. The one who had been by my side for hundreds of years. The one who hadn't given up on me until his last breath - the breath that the Dark Fairy took from him. "Cornelius - dear - I'm so sorry for what I did."

"You aren't nearly as sorry as you're going to be." Cornelius withdrew the Pandora's Box he was holding from behind his back. "Shouldn't leave such powerful objects just lying around - especially not on pirate ships."

"Cornelius - I love you. Please, put the box down and talk with me." I had dreamed of being able to be with him again, and I had nightmares that he would do this if we were to reunite. We were supposed to have true love, but I failed him. I deserved anything he did to me.

"No! I trusted you - and you killed me." His face was contorted with pain and anger. My love was almost unrecognizable - even to me.

"Cornelius - she had my heart-

"I was the one who was supposed to hold your heart! You made me trust you and you killed me." His words were like knives to and completely disarmed me. He came closer, and I went to back up but hit the tree. He was towering over me - his sweat and tears fell onto my face.

"I'm sorry! I didn't want to!" I sobbed. I put my hand on his chest, hoping that his anger would subside. When I saw a glimmer of familiarity flash in his eyes, I continued, "the Dark Fairy was the one who killed you."

"And who killed the hundreds of thousands of other children?" He snapped back at me. He grabbed my arms and pinned me to the tree. I could have easily broken free, but I stayed in attempts of saving him. I wanted him to see the truth and know that I'd changed.

"She told me they were trying to kill us! That they couldn't be trusted. I was deceived... Jane told me the truth later." I didn't let my eyes leave his. I needed him to see I was speaking truly.

"You should have tried to learn the truth before destroying those lives. You deserve to die." He moved his hands to my throat.

"I... know..." I was struggling to gasp out the last two words, and, once I did, he loosened his grip. I panted for air and put my hands on his chest. "If you want to give me what I deserve then go ahead and put me in the Pandora's Box - but please don't hurt anyone else."

Once again, anger flashed across his face. "I can't promise that. There seems to be many of your sort in this land."

"This is a land where people change and are forgiven. This is a land of new beginnings." I pressed myself onto him, hoping he'd remember how close we were before. "I love you, Cornelius. Please, I know I did wrong and I'm so, so sorry. Can I make it right to you? Show you that I've changed?"

For a moment he seemed to consider my request, but all too soon his face was overcome by rage. "I could never love a beast like you."

I closed my eyes and tried to ignore the sting of his words. "I've changed, Cornelius. Please, give me a second chance."

"No." He threw me onto the ground and picked up Pandora's Box. "There is no love strong enough to change a monster like you. You must suffer a fate worse than death."

"Cornelius," I pleaded one last time, but when I saw him about to open Pandora's Box - I had to act. I flung the box out of his hand. "I can't let you do that."

He grabbed me and started to beat me. His fists landed on my face, stomach, and back. He continued even when I fell to the ground. I couldn't fight back. I'm the reason he's this way. I couldn't bare to hurt him more - even if it was in self defense. The light began to dim from my eyes when a familiar voice brought me to my senses.

"Get off of her!" I looked up to see Henry running towards us. I tried to scream out for him to stop, but I was too broken to do anything besides slightly turn my head. I watched in horror as he swiftly approached with the sword I'd given him raised above his head - ready to strike.

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