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I held my breath as I tried to squirm loose from the grip of the thing that was dragging me deeper and deeper into the ocean. I tried to use my magic to put myself on shore, but it wasn't working. Whatever had ahold of me was preventing my magic to work.

It had me by my right ankle and the harder I fought the stronger it held on. I decided to try to fool it - I completely stopped moving and pretended to be lifeless.

It stopped moving too.

I opened my eyes and it was directly in front of me. The thing was me.

It grabbed me by my throat and clasped it's hands around me tight. I stared in complete shock.

In front of me was me, but as I looked closer I noticed it was completely black. It had a creepy smile that grew bigger and bigger.

I swung at its face, but when it should have made contact - it went straight through instead. It's then that I noticed my swimsuit was glowing and the closer I felt to death the brighter it glowed.

Maybe Papa made the swimsuit magical so he could find me if something like this happened. That's what I had to hope at least - and it seemed like my final one.

Suddenly, there was someone else coming towards me. I couldn't make out who, but when they got close the 'black me' disappeared.

They grabbed me and used the ocean floor as a spring board for momentum to go back up. I held on and tried to help, but I had no air left in my body. We surfaced not long after.

As we hit the air I drew in gasps of breath. I panted and clung unto my rescuer. They started to swim us towards the end of a nearby peer.

"Hold onto my shoulders and wrap your legs around my waist. We're about to climb up."

That voice sounded very familiar.

I did as he said. His body was warm compared to mine and felt very comforting to cling to. When I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, he grabbed onto my hands with one of his - as if to hold them in place.

He scaled the ladder on the pier using one hand while constantly checking on me and asking if I was alright. I could only manage a few small replies but his concern for me touched my heart.

Who is he?

When he reached the top he pulled me into his chest. I put my head on his shoulder and laid there enjoying his warmth.

"Henry - grab me my jacket, please."

Henry must have acted fast because the next thing I felt was a warm leather jacket being placed over my shoulders.

"Is... Henry... okay?" I asked between shivers and shallow breaths.

"I'm fine!" Henry sounded as if he'd been panicking. "I'm so glad you're okay - you were underwater for almost an hour."

"Are... we late... for lunch?" I was so concerned I had ruined Mission Happy Fairy. As soon as I said that I heard laughs from many people near me.

Most noticeably from the man holding me tight in his arms.

"Who's here?" I lifted my head to look around but felt dizzy.

The first people I saw were my mum and papa, it seemed they had just arrived. Emma was there as well with her pirate next to her. There were some more people but I didn't recognize them.

Then I turned my face to look at the man.

"I met you at Granny's," I smiled. Had he become more handsome? He laughed again. Oh yes - he was even more handsome now.

"Were you able to enjoy your hot chocolate, Ms. Umbrella," he winked. I smiled.

"Yes, thanks to you."

"Uuugghh" I looked at Henry who was dramatically rolling his eyes. It's then that I remembered I wasn't alone.

"Oh!" I squeaked and tried to get up, but I moved too fast and tripped backwards. I almost fell off the peer but my handsome hero was there to catch me again.

"Not trying to leave us so soon, are you?"

"Of course not." His eyes burned into me and I stared back.

That is, until I was yanked away.

"Hey, thanks for saving her and all but we have a mission that needs to be done." Henry waved bye to him.

"I hope to see you tonight!" I smiled and waved. I gave Henry a look of annoyance but he didn't care.

When I looked back I saw my papa speaking to my handsome hero. My mum was coming up behind us. We walked to the end of the pier then stopped.

When I looked around my mum, Emma and her pirate were with us.

"I'm sorry to have created a scene."

"Don't worry about it, kid." Emma patted me on the shoulder. "Are you alright?"

"Honestly, I don't know." I sighed "I know this may sound crazy, but it wasn't just an undertow that pulled me down. It was a black creature that looked just like me." I did my best to keep a brave voice but there's very few things scarier than having someone unexpectedly try to kill you.

Especially if that someone may be yourself.

"The black fairy dust," I looked back to see my father behind me. "The dust that poured out of your heart must be trying to get back."

Well, that's terrifying.

"Okay. So what do I do?" I asked.

"Well, I fetched your bag for you from the lockers. I suggest you take it and continue your fun day with Henry." My papa put his hand on my shoulder, "perhaps stay out of water for now. Your mother and I will look up what to do. Stay close to Emma and Hook - you'll be safe with them."

"Okay, Papa." I hugged him forgetting that I was soaked, "oh - I'm sorry - I got your clothes wet."

"Well, they're just clothes," my papa gave me another hug.

"Thank you." I smiled "Are you sure I shouldn't help figure out what's going on?"

"Your mother and I have fought a few monsters. You were safe until you entered the water - just don't go back in. Now, going on Hook's boat is fine, but just don't fall in."

"Thank you all for your help," I sighed in relief. I don't think I could take on another monster today. "Papa, Henry said I was underwater for an hour. How did I survive?"

"Admittedly, the swimsuit and other clothes I've given you have been enchanted with strong life-preservation spells. I'm glad you wore the suit - otherwise I don't know what would have happened."

I nodded. I'm so lucky to have such a thoughtful papa.

"I don't know about you," Hook said to me "but I for one am famished. How about we go get lunch?"

"That sounds wonderful. Thank you for including me in your day."

With that Emma, Hook, Henry and I headed to Emma's where we had grilled cheese sandwiches and onion rings.

Hi! It's the author, RumbellaGold.

If you like what I've written, please leave a nice comment and give a vote! Please feel free to ask questions and make suggestions for future chapters.

Read on, friends!

In the next chapter we will see if there is anyway to defeat this new darkness.

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