Here I Am

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I was finally starting to feel like myself again. With the rest I had received and the plenty of food I had been eating, my strength was coming back. I magicked the lunch clean. Emma thanked me. Of course, it was no problem and only took a snap of my fingers.

Even snapping my fingers was only out of habit. I had been practicing magic so long that I could just will my magic.

"Are we still planning on going onto Mr. Pirate's boat," I smirked.

"Aye, mate." Killian started preparing to head out. "How the bloody-

"Oh, I figured that walking or riding in the car was completely unnecessary." I started to walk around the Jolly Rodger. Over lunch Killian had told me all about his boat and his many adventures he'd had. "Now, let's get sailing. Why don't we?"

I paused to see what Killian would do. Poor guy started heading to the helm. With a small giggle I put us out in the open water. "What a nice view! Don't you agree, Henry?" He nodded and laughed nervously.

"Hey! No one man's this boat but me." Killian seemed to be more than slightly upset. How hilarious and adorable.

"I guess it's a good thing that I'm a woman." I smiled. Emma laughed and shrugged. Glad we're developing a friendship. "Besides, I needed to be out here as soon as possible."

"Why?" Henry asked. 

"I need to defeat myself," I magicked my swimsuit back onto me. I gave it a few improvements. It now acted as gills to allow me to breath under water and stayed glowing so that I could see in the ocean. It was further impenetrable and  I had a sword in a belt on my waist that was infused with light magic and fairy dust. I put my hair up in a tight bun.

"Now, I think you should wait-

"Now, I think you should listen, Savior. Yes, I've been weak for the past week or so, but that isn't who I am," I looked at her, "I've fought more battles than the days you've lived. I have more magic in the tip of my finger than you have ever used. And I will defeat the darkness that I brought with me."

"Auntie Rumby-"

"Henry, here's a sword for you." I created a sword as strong as mine for my dear nephew, "It's infused with light magic and has the power to expel even the darkest of foes. You shouldn't have to use it, but if I don't come back quite myself please just plunge it through my heart. Sound like a deal, darling?"

I took advantage of their stunned silence. "When my Papa gives you a call, tell him that the Dark Fairy was the enchantress and I was the magic man that passed through town. He'll understand what I'm saying."

I, indeed, had magicked that book into the shop. Once I realized that the "kiss of death" was the black fairy dust, I understood what had happened and what needed to happen. No matter what I did, the dust had to return to my heart. After coursing through my veins, it had become a part of me and my magic.

The only way to defeat this darkness was to change it into light. If I let it stay dark, when it returned to me I would become like the new dark one. Yet, much worse. Though my Papa had been alive and practicing magic for about 300 years, I had existed nearly three times as long.

Further, though Gideon and the others knew me as the White Fairy, I was originally the prodigy of the Black Fairy. For six hundred years she taught me all of her tricks in the hopes that I would be her key to her reuniting with my father. I did everything she asked without questioning the consequences.

One day I had killed nearly all of the children in the mines - except for Jane and my love.

The black fairy told me that I could only let one could survive. When I refused to kill either of them, she killed my love. I did my best to kill her then ran with Jane. That's when I made the cavern and she began to tell me about hope. Despite seeing the worst in me and knowing I had caused the destruction of hundreds of thousands, she believed I could be a hero.

She turned me from my darks ways to the ways of light through her love and constant belief in me. Similarly to what my Mum had done for Papa. It took me hundreds of years to come to forgive myself for the evil acts I had done while under the Black Fairy.

I would never be able to go back from dark to light if the darkness did ensnare me again. But I wouldn't fail. No one knew me better than me, so no one can defeat me but me.

As I was in the air preparing to dive, I magicked the others back to shore but kept the boat for me. I was going to need it for my little fight.

I swam under the ship and waited for her to find me.

It only took a few seconds.

Defeating Darkness (Rumbelle's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now