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This soup is delicious. I didn't stop my eating as people kept streaming in.

The fairies decided they wanted to try to heal me with their magic, but it didn't help. I suppose the kiss of death was just to strong. Hard to heal someone who's actively dieing.

I didn't say much to anyone, and they excused my minor rudeness. I believed they understood I needed a couple minutes to collect myself.

Everyone else was debating amongst each other about what needed to be done. It seems that Emma, Hook, and the fairies were unable to find an answer in any of their books.

The fairies brought light fairy dust to put on my heart. They seemed to hope that this would draw out the black fairy dust.

Belle explained that Rumplestiltskin would be here soon - that he was just finishing the antidote of love. He was using a strand of Belle's and his hair to do so. I hoped it would work.

Everyone in the room was hoping that I'd know the answer and be able to fix everything.

I was hoping that Rumplestiltskin would, because, in fact, I had little to no idea.

I began to ponder how to release the "kiss of death" from my heart, when I heard the pirate complaining I was eating and not helping.

I cleared my throat and prepared myself for verbal battle.

"I suggest you let me finish my soup in peace," I hissed, "dearie."

The pirate seemed annoyed rather than ashamed of himself.

"Well, I'm sorry princess but while you've been sleeping and eating the rest of us have been trying to save you."

"I've been working on saving these children among billions more for hundreds of years. I am literally dieing as we speak and I just woke from a sleeping curse. Within the last day I've lost everyone that I once knew and am alone bearing the scars of the dark world we came from."

I was heaving in and out breaths to finish what I was saying and fresh tears poured down my face.

"But congrats to you for trying to save somebody for one hour. How noble of you." I knew my voice oozed with sarcasm but I didn't care.

"I am weak and I am hungry, but further congratulations to you for ruining the only food I've eaten all day."

"Get. Out." I looked in shock as Rumplestiltskin walked through the door. "Now."

The pirate looked at the Savior, she nodded, and he left. I guess my emotional outburst and Rumplestiltskin's anger humbled him.

I appreciated him standing up for me.

Belle came over and tried to comfort me with a hug, and Runplestiltskin wiped the sweat and tears off of my face with a soft cloth.

It was a long time since I had been on the receiving end of comfort. I appreciated it. My pain seemed to even be lessening.

"Thank you." It was all I could say. After a minute I plucked up my courage.

"First, I want to apologize for not being able to do or say more. Second, I need to tell you everything I know." I took a deep breath and began.

Belle held my hand as I recounted what I'd been told of how I came to the Dark Realm.

She then held me in her arms as I continued to tell how I hatched from an egg, was taken care of by my sister Jane (who didn't have magic), how I began to learn magic on my own, how for a long time I had no hope but Jane told me that I needed to believe we'll have a happy ending.

Rumplestiltskin held my hand and wiped my tears as I told how I started to save children after they were beaten. I recounted the times I failed, the times I was beaten, the ways I learned to overcome.

Runplestiltskin held both Belle and I as I told them about the children in the Dark Realm, how we worked together and the resistance grew. I told them how I became a pillar of hope in that world.

We stayed like this as I told them everything that happened the night Gideon left, the years leading up to the Dark Fairy leaving, and the final escape of the Dark Realm.

I told them everything up to the current moment.

When I finished, I noticed my heart no longer hurt. When I looked up, I saw the pain on my parents' faces.

*On December 20th changes were made to the chapter "Jane" in order to add clarity to who she is. I would recommend re-reading for further understanding on Jane or reading the change section in the comment below!*

Hi! It's the author, RumbellaGold.

If you like what I've written, please leave a nice comment and give a vote! Please feel free to ask questions and make suggestions for future chapters.

Read on, friends!

In the next chapter the White Fairy has to decide if she'll save herself or the children.

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