Moving in together

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Some are halfassed  so one day I'll fix em but not today.

Thomas has been acting quite strange the past few weeks.  I thought that he might be cheating but his sides quickly told me that he was not and he was just planning something.  I believed them and just went of with my day.

"Baby.  Can we meet up tonight at six at Olive Garden.  I need to talk to you." Thomas says suddenly over the phone.

"Yeah.  Please tell me your not breaking up with me." I say with tears threatening to spill.

"No!  I promise I'm not!  Just dress up in that dress you wore when you met the others.  I thought it was gorgeous on you." He assures.

"Alright.  I'll be getting ready now.  Love you." I say hanging up.  I shower, dress and put makeup on.

I walk into Olive Garden and see Thomas sitting on a bench so I sit next to him.  We just cuddle and say no words to each other.  We then get to our table and order a drink.

"(Y/N), I've been nervous about asking this of you.  But do you want to move in with me?" He asks after we get our drinks.

"Oh Thomas!  I would love to!" I exclaim and kiss him over the table.  We eat our meal and plan to have me move in next week.

"And that's the last box!" I exclaim placing a box in Thomas' bedroom, or should I say our bedroom.

"Finally!  Why did you need so much stuff." He asks.  I just laugh.

"Well I had a lot of stuff, mostly makeup and clothes.  And you never know if we don't work out and I have to move out." I say sadly.

"That's why you rented your apartment instead of selling it." Thomas says realizing my intentions.

"Bingo." I say hooping his nose.

Patton has been spending more time at my house then his own.  I decide to just ask him to move in with me.

"Pat.  Could you come over tonight?" I ask over the phone.

"Yeah I'll be there in about an hour." He says and hangs up.  I clean up my house and look a bit more presentable then normal.

"Patton!" I say after breaking our kiss.

"Yeah." He breathes out.

"I want you to move in with me." I say.

"Ok." He then pulls me into another kiss.

Patton only had a few blankets, pillows and clothes to bring over and then every thing would be together.

"Thanks for letting me move in with you." Patton whispers before drifting off to sleep.

"I'm glad to." I kiss his forehead and fall asleep.

Logan just said that he was moving in and I had no complaints.  I happily helped him move his stuff in and made one of my extra rooms his library and we made the other a walk in closet for me.

He declared that we were going to get a place together.  He then found out that he couldn't afford any house he wanted so he moved in with me in my small house.  I magicked all his stuff inside and he bought pizza to make up for it.

I just got upped to the higher class at the ballet academy that I'm going to.  With the move up I also get a new room.  It's a two bedroom, one bath apartment and I was to have it to myself, because one of the rooms is to warm up in.  But I decide to have Virgil move in with me because Thomas kicked him out of his house.

"Virgil.  I got a new apartment and I want you to move in with me.  There are two rooms and you can have one." I tell him on our date.

"Sure." He smiles.

"I'll sign the paper." I say happily.

"Are we done yet (Y/N)!" Virgil groans.

"Yes.  I just finished bringing everything in.  Your room in on the left, mine the right and the bathroom in the middle." I say breathing heavily.  He nods and goes into the room I told was his.

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