First time leaving baby with a babysitter

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"Joan are you SURE you can watch him?" Thomas asks giving Joan a sleeping Arden.

"Oh course I can. It shouldn't be that hard!" Joan laughs.

"Call if you need anything" I smile leading Thomas outside.

"Of course I will"

About an hour later I get a call from, you guessed it, Joan. I excuse myself from the table and answer the call just outside the bathroom.

"(Y/N) he won't stop crying!" Joan says without saying hi.

"Hey calm down. Hes probably hungry and there's some bottles in the fridge and if he won't eat he probably needs his diaper changed" I say calmly.

"Oh.... ok" Joan hangs up and I go back to the table.

"If everything alright?" Tomas asks as I take a sip of my cider, I'm still not allowed alcohol even though I'm craving it.

"Joan couldn't get him to stop crying. I think Arden just needs a bottle and some cuddles and he'll be fine." I place the glass down.

"I agree with that." Thomas tips his glass of wine to me.

"F it. I'm drinking tonight and I'm so done with breastfeeding. He can have formula for all I care" I groan taking thomas' glass of wine and drinking it all.

"Don't drink too much though, I can't have you with a nasty hangover." Thomas teases refilling the cup for us to share.

"I haven't had a single cup of any kind of alcohol for 18 months..... if I get completely wasted then hurray for me." I laugh like I'm insane, which I kinda am.

"Fine. I'll not drink as much tonight then." Thomas takes my cider glass for his own.

"Thank you. I need this sooo much. I don't sleep and now I can sleep like a log tonight and maybe if Arden gets to bed well, we will get a bit of something something" I wink.

"Oh... OH ok" Thomas blushes.

We get home a few hours later and I'm trashed. I'm stumbling like I've never had anything ever to drink. Joan quickly leaves to get to sleep at their own home.

"Baby is asleep?" I slur softly.

"Yes, Joan put him to bed." Thomas says helping me into pajamas.

"Can't we doooo something tonight? It's been like.... before Arden was born that we did anything" I kiss his neck.

"Later. You're too drunk." Thomas smiles.

"Fiiiiine, but you get baby duty allllll night"

"Are you sure you want ME to watch them?" Virgil asks awkwardly.

"Logan is here too." I point out bluntly.

Virgil shifts Charlie on his hip "Yeah... but me?"

"Virgil you can do it! Everest will most likely sleep the entire time and Charlie will just want to play games." Patton smiles.

"I-ok... And everything is on the list?"

"Yeah. Everything is on the fridge, and if you absolutely need something you can call..." I look away at the last part knowing that I definitely don't want them to call because things will probably get crazy.

"Ok. Have a good night." Virgil smiles softly.

"Good luck with them!" Patton chirps before kissing our kids cheeks and we leave by running deeper into the woods to a lake we found before we got married.

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