He apologizes

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"Am I allowed in now?" Thomas asks knocking on the open door.

"Sure.... I never said you couldn't come in." I shift from my awkward position to sitting up.

"I shouldn't have done that... I know I shouldn't have." Thomas shakes standing at the foot of the bed Ardens motionless body is on,

"Yeah it was pretty stupid of you." I laugh.

"You know that you've been the only woman I've ever loved. And sometimes I want a guy to hold me.... and I don't want to loose you either." Thomas starts tearing up at the end.

I stand up and grab his hand but don't look at him, "if it's cuddles from a guy you want sometimes then I won't mind... just warn me first. But just don't go further please." I whisper trying to be helpful.

"S-Seriously?" Thomas gasps.

"Well yeah. You'd do the same for me if I wanted cuddles from another girl. And it's the least I can do because I have the best husband ever." I turn and hug him and press a quick kiss on his cheek.

"I'm now completely convinced that you are an angel."

Charlie is asleep and I'm now left alone with Patton. There's an awkwardness between us that I don't like.

"Can I explain myself now?" Patton whispers suddenly.

"Yeah go ahead..." I whisper back not looking away from Charlie.

"I didn't want to kiss her. But she pushed herself onto me and then because I was so drunk I thought it was you but I knew what I was doing.... (y/n) I'm sorry and I'm willing to work extra hard to prove to you that I'm devoted to you and only you." Patton kisses my knuckles.

"I believe you Patton. I'll forgive you." I hug him and Patton mutters thanks and he cries into my neck.

"You do know that I'm willing to do anything to have you love me again?" Logan whispers from his spot behind me as we watch Matthew get wheeled away to surgery.

"Yeah... I do. But I never stopped loving you."

"Can we please try us again. I didn't know what to do with myself when you and the boys were away from me."

"Yes. I'm willing to try again." I feel him hug me from behind and I lean into his hold.

"Hey...?" Roman awkwardly laughs seeing me at the vending machine buying some energy drink.

"What do you want?" I ask coldly.

Roman pulls a bouquet of (f/f) out and holds it towards me, "(y/n) I realized this past month how much you do for me and how much better you make my life. I'd like it if you'd let me be in your life again... and I'll never even think about another person again besides you."

I'm shocked and I don't want to accept except I do... so I grab the flowers and rest my head on his chest and just cry.

"I'm sorry for causing you pain. You really deserve better than me but im honored that you have picked me." Roman runs his fingers through my hair and presses kisses to my forehead.

Virgil arrives and he looks like absolute garbage. I'm sitting on the floor next to Zoe's bed trying my hardest to stay strong and not cry.

"Bubbles?" Virgil puts a hand on my shoulder and I jerk it away.

"What the hell do you want!" I snap.

"I just want to know what's wrong with Zoe..." he retreats into himself. I throw the clipboard at him.

"Damn you don't have to try and take my head off." Virgil snaps. I stand up shakily and hot tears are building in my eyes.

"Your lucky that's all I did. My heart shattered into millions of pieces and I.... I resorted to drinking. ME! I wouldn't even drink at our wedding! Damnit Virgil I drank so much so I could forget everything about you but I could never forget.... But you know what drinking does?" I shakily start.

"Bubbles.... I'm-I'm sorry..." Virgil looks down sadly.

"No because everything that happened since I found out about your affair is ALL YOUR FAULT. Zoe can hardly sleep anymore and she definitely has your anxiety and.... and because of all my drinking...." I start hyperventilating and my tears flow faster and my voice gets hoarse.

"Virgil I was raped one night and I can't get it out of my head and all I wanted was for you to save me but you weren't there! I just wanted to forget what you did and wanted to be saved." I fall to the floor crying. Virgil immediately pulls me into his lap and helps calm me down.

"I'm so sorry that I ever did that. I don't know why I did it but... I just want to treat you like the queen you are in my heart." Virgil whispers in my ear.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm not good enough I know it." I whimper.

"No I'm sorry. And you are too good for me." Virgil rubs my back.

"Thank you Virgil... I still love you."

"(Y/n)..... I think we need to talk." Dee sits me down while Nessa is getting a cat scan.

"Yeah.... we do." I try to say firmly.

"I'm sooo sooooo sorry about cheating on you and then hitting you... I just didn't know how to get your attention because I missed you all the time." Dee speaks in his normal tone, instead of the commanding tone he's been using recently.

"I want to stay with you... but you are going to have to make it up big time." I sigh. I'm too in love to leave.

"Definitely. I'll never try anything like that again and I'll never ask to be dominant in bed ever again."

"(Y/n)" Remus pulls me into a hug.

"Leave me alone Remus." I hiss.

"I need to make sure you know that I wasn't lying about cutting things off with her before Rylee was born." Remus purrs in my ear.

"Yeah... I know.... just let me be angry because I wanna." I look up at him and he pecks my lips before nodding.

"As long as you forgive me."

"Yeah... just if you do it again you'll never ever see Rylee again."

"Remy... why did you cheat on me?" I whisper.

"Oh.... uh... well my not anymore friend planned it and then said I couldn't say no..... I wouldn't have done it if I had more of a choice." He explains.

"Oh.... well you could have told me and I would have joined you..." I tease.

"Wait seriously?"


"Hey... I just need to tell you something and then I'll leave you alone." Emile says sitting next to me.

"go ahead..." I tear up.

"She... she pushed herself on me, she was one of my patients and so after that I called the police and thankfully I had cameras in the room and I have a restraining order on her."

"Oh my gosh you have cameras! Emile we had sex in your office multiple times! What if someone hacked in and saw!" I cover my deeply blushed face,

"I'm sure nobody saw besides us." He laughs.

"Geez!" I let my air out.

"Can I be forgiven or do you need more time?" Emile gives me a patient smile.

"I'll forgive you if you can delete the video." I blush deeper.

"I delete it right after Nin. Nobody is allowed to see you like that besides me." He growls and I blush as deep as I possibly can.

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