Kid gets injured

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(Arden gets shot during daycare and both you and Thomas are called to the hospital by the receptionist)

"What are you doing here." I scoff seeing Thomas walking into the hospital semi calmly.

"I'm here to see my son." He looks down ashamed.

"Well your an hour late...." I sigh tearing up.

"He's... he's not... dead is he..." Thomas looks shocked.

"He flatlined but they revived him. He's just.... in a coma. He was calling for you before he flatlined. Dammit Thomas either be here for us or not." I start crying.

"I'm sorry.... I got the call and I panicked and after I calmed down traffic was bad..." Thomas purses his lips and sits down in the waiting room. I go into Arden's room and try to get some sleep.

(While playing outside a tree falls on Charlie's leg. Patton howls for you so you can help)

We get to the hospital and Charlie is immediately swarmed by nurses and she's put under antithetic.

"I'm sorry (Y/N)." Patton says as we sit down in a room.

"Please... Patton not right now... just why was Charlie our by the trees alone?" I say softly, way too concerned to be loud.

"I'm sorry I was helping Everest get a splinter out of his hand and the next thing I heard was a thump and Charlie howling for help..." Patton starts crying.

"She's going to be fine. She's a strong girl, she gets that from you Patton." I grab his hand instinctively. 

After an hour a doctor comes in and explains that the best option is to amputate the leg but they can see if it will heal but it's extremely unlikely and would cause major pain. You decide to see if it will heal.

(Matthew was pushed off of the slide while playing at the park and broke his arm. You texted Logan while on the ambulance ride to the hospital)

"What happened to him?" Logan says walking into the room.

"Some kid pushed him off of the slide. He was letting her go down the slide before her in line too." I whisper.

"At least he's a gentleman." Logan smiles softly.

"He saw his bone out of his skin. That's going to traumatize him...." I laugh dryly.

(Olivine gets bit by a serpent and Roman only finds out because he saw an ambulance leave the house and he follows)

"(Y/N) what happened to our baby girl?" Roman says grabbing my arm.

"She got bit by a poisonous snake. And of course I don't know the antivenom spell" I pull my arm out of his.

"It's fine (y/n). She's gonna be fine." Roman gives me is biggest smile and it gives me butterflies like always.

"Damn you and your face." I mutter before jogging to keep up with Olivine.

(Zoe falls ill with Phenomena and has to go to the hospital to keep her from dying)

"Cmon pick up you freaking idiot." I whisper to myself as I'm trying to get a hold of Virgil. And after a few rings he answers.

"(Y/N)! My sunshine I'm so-" he starts and his voice is shaking.

"Shut it there's a more important issue right now." I say coldly.

"Uh... what happened?" Virgil's voice is quiet and shaking so much that that it's almost impossible to understand.

"Zoe is in the hospital fighting for her life and you better get over here so she can see you if the disease does take her..." I try saying as strongly as possible.

"I'm on my way."

(Nessa get a seizure in front of both of you)

"Serpent..." Deceit grabs my hand as nurses and doctors stabilize Vanessa, I pull my hand away.

"Medusa please..." he pulls me close to him but I move away.

"Stop pretending Deceit. You don't love me anymore and I'm suffering because of that." I give him a cold glare before moving to a seat on the other side of the room.

(Rylee accidentally cut her leg open and Sunny calls Remus in a panic)

"How the hell did you get here!" I gasp seeing Remus running into the hospital a few seconds behind us.

"Sunny called and said that Rylee was bleeding. What happened!" Remus looks genuinely concerned.

"Oh mr. 'I don't want a kid' is actually concerned for once? Just so to your tit toy so you don't get too bored ." I flick his forehead and continue on.

(Wrens eyes start gooping a lot and he cries that he can't see anymore. You guys have it so if he's admitted then both of you are called or the other is called)

"(Y/n) is he ok?" Remy says coming up with his hair messy and without sunglasses.

"No.... no he's not." I sigh.

"He lost his sight so soon?" Remy frowns.

"The last thing he saw was me crying.... dammit rem why?"

(Nick get whooping cough and Emile calls you because you deserve to know)

"You are a freaking idiot Emile." I mutter walking into the room.

"What else is new?" He sighs.

"Your sweater apparently." I roll my eyes and lean against the wall trying not to show how much I want to just curl up in his arms and cry.

"Nin... I know you are upset with me-"

"Damn right I am. Now let me make sure my son is alright."

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