Picani Catch-Up(1-35)

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How you met
I'm walking into the building on a cold winter day. I'm late for my appointments today. Someone runs in front of me and holds the door open with a happy smile.

"Uh... Thanks?" I squeak walking inside quickly.

"You look like you are in a hurry." The guy holding the door says falling into the step with me.

"Yeah I'm five minutes late for my appointment" I look away feeling my anxiety crawling up my back.

"Well good luck." He waves and I run to my therapy appointment with Dr. Farth.

See him again/ exchanging numbers
Ita the last week of the year and I'm late again to my appointment... stupid anxiety making it impossible to come.

"I'll grab the door for you." A familiar voice says next to me.

"Don't do that." I gasp holding my chest.

"I'm dr. Emile Picani. And you are?" He holds his hand out to shake it.

"Corporal (Y/N) (l/n)" I introduce myself shakily.

Your job
You don't have a job anymore

Your age

Best color on you

How to describe you(I don't know how to word this)
Scarred, anxious, caring, softhearted

Quote (1)

When you realize you like/love himHe convinces you to get better help and he shows you that he truly cares about you

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When you realize you like/love him
He convinces you to get better help and he shows you that he truly cares about you

I wake up in an unfamiliar room, with arms wrapped around my waist and I'm feeling... cold? But warm...?

"Nin do you remember?" Emile purrs in my ear from behind me and he pulls me closer to him, and I realize I'm naked.

"Yeah... did you... did you mean what you said?" I whisper blushing deeper as the memories flood back.

"Yeah obviously. I'm in love with you (Y/N) and i need to be with you." He kisses my cheek

"I love you too" I smile and roll over to face him.

Series 1: first date
In your backyard as a picnic

Phone Contact
His: Love of my life

Yours: my love 😍

His: Em, Mil

Yours: Nin, Lovey

He gives you jewelry
You give him your dogtag which he hardly ever takes off

Becoming official
(Continues from confession)
"Can I call you my girlfriend?" Emile smiles pushing my hair out of my face.

"Yes please." I laugh and give him a soft kiss.

"Oh thank goodness. I wouldn't know what to do if we could do that again and if I couldn't call you mine."

"Awe shucks." I laugh

Do you have glasses?

You see your ex
She's dead. And she's the cause of all your trauma

First kiss
You just opened up about your past to him and after a good ten minutes he kisses you to convey everything he wants to say but can't

"Did you..." I gasp touching my lips.

"I-I'm sorry... I couldn't help it." Emile blushes. I kiss him back stronger.

How he knows your mad
You leave ave the room to cry

What's your Hogwarts House

Anime you watch together
Avatar the last air bender

Cartoon you watch together
Power puff girls

TV show you watch together
Adventure Time

What he loves about you
He loves that you are looking for ways to help

He meets your family
Your family disowned you

Your vehicle
You own a rusty old car you've had for years

(I know there's the hospital series thing here... but I'm trying to keep this chapter with minimal triggers but... if you want to know the gist of what happened just comment)
You meet the others/sides
Emile leads me into a house I've never been to before, he'd being very cautious and caring since I told him about my current situation.

"Em where are we?" I ask as he sits me on a couch and my service dog Mookie hops onto my lap.

"I want my cousins to meet you. Because I absolutely love you." He kisses my cheek.

"Ok... but can you make sure that they stay quiet?"

"I'll try. But... some are really noisy by nature." Emile pushes my hair back and kissesmy forehead before grabbing his cousins.

After a while all his cousins are in the room and they all start fighting and I end up lying on the floor with Mookie between my chest and stomach to calm me down.

"Alright everyone! Stop fighting! You are causing my girlfriend to have an anxiety attack!" Emile points out.

"I'm fine Em...." I groan covering my eyes.

"What's up with her?" The one called Roman asks loudly.

"She has Ptsd and loud noises trigger it among a few other things" Emile sighs.

"What caused it?" The one Virgil asks quieter.

"She watched her ex get exploded infront of her while touring in Afghanistan." He says soft enough that I can't hear.

Everyone nods and stays quiet so I can calm down and I end up falling asleep

You steal his clothes
The first time you steal his clothes is while you are pregnant and you take his shirts because yours don't fit you anymore

You move in together
"Nin, please..." Emile begs kneeling infront of me.

"Em we've only been together for two months..." I blush.

"The circumstances we are in... it makes sense to move in together and my place is bigger." He hugs me gently

"Fine..." I try hiding my smile.

You on your period
It's painful but you don't let it stop you too much

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