Telling Your Family

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"(Y/N). Your parents called." Thomas shouts to me.

"Bring me my phone please!" I yell back. He bring in and I call my parents back.

"Hi Honey!" My Mother's voice sweetly says through the phone.

"Hey mom." I say back.

"I just wanted to give you a heads up that I'm coming over for dinner, along with your father." My mother announces.

"Great. I'll see you soon then." I say as calmly as I can muster.

"Bye Sweetheart!" I hang up and splat into Thomas' arms.

"My parents are on their way over! I don't wanna make food.!" I whine my face buried in my husband's chest.

"I'll go buy a meal at the store while you straighten the kitchen up. Is that ok?" He says looking me in the eyes. I nod and flop onto the bed. "Ok Babydoll. I'll be back super fast." He yells running out the door.

I reluctantly get out of bed and straighten up the main floor, so it looks like a magazine picture. I sit on the couch and wrap up in my favorite blanket, falling asleep. Only to be woken up when my parents get there.

"Hi Mom! Hi dad!" I say waking up

"Hello (Y/N). Thomas said that you have news for us?" My dad says sitting next to me.

"Yeah..."I stand up and my mother takes my place. Thomas stands behind me and holds my waist. "We're having a baby!" I says happily.

"Oh! (Y/N)! Sweetheart! I'm so happy for you!" My mother says pulling me into a bear hug.

"Good job." My father says patting Thomas on the back, who turns bright red.

Your family is ded... soooooo.

Can't tell em.

Logan has been confronting me lately saying that I have to tell my sister. If he asks me one more time I'm going to snap.

Logan walks up to me as I'm comfortably laying on the couch, "(Y/N). We gotta tell your sister!" He says firmly.

"No!" I bark back.

"Why not?" He asks utterly confused.

"Because... She'll take this child away from me too." I say quietly.

"What did you say?" Logan says shocked.

"She. Will. Take. This. Child. Away. Too!" I say sharply.

"What do you mean too?"

"This isn't my first child," I start quietly. "Cori was married, to a marine. They were married for four years when this happened.  Cori found out she was infertile, and she begged me to have her child.  I just turned 17." I tell him.  Tears falling quickly

"Hey... it's ok.  Take it slow." Logan says reassuring me.

"I refused.  I was still in high school.  Well Adam, Cori's husband was mad.  He wanted a child.  So roughly half a year later he invited me to sleepover at his house, a week that Cori was out of town.  He... He... had sex with me when I didn't want it!" I breakdown crying hysterically.

"He ties me up.  Did it so often, I couldn't even sleep.  He figured out everything about what I liked.  Making it so I'd get pregnant.  Apparently he'd been tracking my cycle so it'll work.  After that I couldn't get near him or my sister.  I soon found out that I was pregnant.  He kept texting me about it, I kept it from him until my father found out.  He kicked me out, Cori and Adam took me in...  I took being bullied at school for the rest of the year!  Being called a slut, whore, bitch..." Logan made me look him in the eyes.  He smiles at me.

"You need to know that it wasn't your fault." Logan says.  I put my finger up to tell him to shut up.

"I had the baby.  Adam took him from me.  He signed as the father, only after I signed the paper. So I'm legally his mother.  I named the baby Isaac.  Cori and Adam took care of him until...  Adam dies.  In his will it said that Isaac will be taken care of by his mother.  That's me!  Not Cori." I say.

"(Y/N).  You want him back?  Don't you." Logan asks.  I nod.  "How old is he?"

"He's almost six."

"I'll get us a lawyer to get him."

"(Y/N).  You got some letters." Roman says handing me two envelopes .

"Thanks.  I'll read them now." I say scooting over so Roman can sit next to me.  The first is from my mother and it says that a visit is mandatory tomorrow at 10:00 pm.  The second is from Mrs. Weasley, who found out about me getting married and is very angry about not being invited and demands to see me at her house in two days.

"I guess this week we are busy." I say after reading the letters.

"How So?" Roman asks cuddling into my side.

"My mother want to meet tomorrow and my second 'mom' want to meet you, shes angry she wasn't invited to our wedding." I say.

"Why wasn't she?" Roman asks completely lost.

"Well I wanted all your attention on me and not on them... because the woman who is like another mother to me is Molly Weasley."



"Mother!" I say walking into the dining room ten minutes late.

"Your late (Y/N)." She points out not even looking at me.

"I'm sorry.  Appearing while pregnant is not very good on my stomach." I say laughing.  My mother puts down what she was looking out with a loud thud.

"Did you say you were pregnant?" She says softly looking over her shoulder.

"Yeah?" I say confused.

"I congratulate you.  And will excuse you being late.  I just invited you over to see how you were doing.  You may stay the night with your husband."  She waves her hand and Donny takes us to my old bedroom.

(The rest comes later.)

"Virgil.  You know who'll love this?" I say holding the picture of mine and Virgil's first ultrasound.

"Besides us?" He says looking lovingly at his little baby.  It's still too early to know it's gender but that doesn't matter to us.

"Yeah.  My mom." I say.  I snap a picture and send it to her with the message 'Finally an angel sent to us'

"I think so too."  He starts but gets cut off my My mother calling us.

"MY GIRL IS HAVING A BABY!  ITS SO CUTE!  DO YOU KNOW THE GENDER?" She screams.  We hang up and just laugh at her excitement.

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