Babies First Steps

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-SnekHeart- helped me with this! Thank this wonderful human for helping me get this done faster

[Name] sat in the living room, playing and watching Arden crawl around the living room. Thomas was in the office, editing, and to pass time, [Name] decided to play with Arden. She watched Arden crawl over to the coffee table.

"Thomas!" [Name] called out to her husband, watching Arden use the table to pull himself up.

"What?" Thomas asked as he walked into the room, he quickly then noticed Arden, he went over to [Name] and sat next to her.

"Come to Mommy and Daddy," [Name] said softly, Thomas watched with a big bright smile on his face. Arden took his first steps, stumbling over to [Name] and Thomas.

"Good job baby boy!" Thomas said hugging Arden, "Mommy and I are so proud of you!" Thomas decided to finsh editing another time, and spent alot of time with his wife to help Arden get better at walking.

Patton was watching Charlie scribble on paper with crayons. [Name] was in the bathroom giving Everest a bath. "Charile come to daddy," Patton cooed softly, trying to encourage Charile to take her first steps.

Charlie looked over at Patton, and used the table to stand up, she walked over to Patton clusmy, it was just in time for [Name] to see who just finshed giving Everest a bath. "Good job Charlie!"

[Name] was busy writing, while Patton was playing with the kids, she wrote alot when ever she was stressed, this had become a new habit of hers not to long ago.

Patton smiled brightly as he saw Everest walk over to [Name], then plop down onto his bottom. [Name] looked down over at Everest, "Heya youngin, how did you get over here to fast?" Patton giggled, "He took his first steps." [Name] jumped, "And you didn't point it out?" Patton giggled, "You get snappy when I intrupt your writing sessions." [Name] chuckled and helped Everest walk over Patton.

Logan was laying down with Matthew next to him, crawling around the bed near Logan. The logical male had a small smile on his lips as he watched Matthew crawl around on the bed. Logan sat up and picked up Matthew figuring that it was time to make Matthew lunch. [Name] was out with Issac. Logan set Matthew on the ground and ruffled the baby's short hair.

Logan started to prepare Matthew a soft lunch that small baby can eat. While preparing Lunch, he felt a tug on his pants. He looked down to see Matthew using Logan's leg as a support to stand.

"Hello Matthew, need anything?" He watched Matthew then suddenly take a few steps then started to crawl. Logan let out a small chuckle.

"Your mother is going to be upset she didn't see your first steps." Logan went over to Matthew and put Matthew in his high chair, then giving him the apple sauce and cut up banana. Logan then called [Name] to tell her the news.

Roman was up watching Topaz while [Name] and the girls slept, and Topaz being a restless kiddo. While Roman was getting some paper and crayons out, Topaz walked over to Roman, bubbling with excitement. Roman noticed this quickly and started to squeal excitedly. "You did it my little prince!"

Diamond was crawling around in the backyard while Topaz was learning to walk better with Roman. [Name] sat next to Diamond, and whispered softly, "You'll join Topaz soon." Diamond grabbed onto [Name's] shirt and used [Name] to stand up then clumsily walked over to Roman and clutched his pants leg. [Name] giggled happily, "Good job baby!" [Name] said happily, praising Diamond.

Olivine was interested in what her siblings were doing so she crawled over to Roman. Roman looked down, "Do you want to try and walk to baby girl?" Roman asked, only getting a bable in response. Roman helped Olivine up, "Let's try to walk to Mommy." Roman helped Olivine walk then she did try on her own and quickly walked over to [Name], "Good Job!" [Name] said hugging Olivine.

Virgil was having a nice and peaceful day with his family. He smiled as he heard [Name] gently encouraging Zoe to walk over to him.

"Come on Zoe walk over to Daddy," [Name] whispered. Zoe had Name's help to stand up, she held onto Name for a bit.

"You can do it," she whispered, then suddenly, she watched Zoe run over to Virgil and clutch onto his leg. Virgil squeaked and looked at Zoe, "Well aren't you just a fast girl!" Virgil said happily as he ruffled Zoe's floofy hair.

Deceit was cuddling with [Name], and Vanessa. "Medusa, we should give Vanessa a bath." Deceit said softly. [Name] got up and picked Vanessa up. Deceit got off the bed and went to the bathroom, [Name] following closely behind with Vanessa in her arms.

[Name] set Vanessa on the ground after shutting the door so the small child couldn't escape. Deceit and [Name] started to get the bath ready. As the female went to go get Vanessa ready for the bath she sae Vanessa walked over to the bath then clung to Deceit's leg.

"Good job Vanessa!" [Name] said happily as she hugged Vanessa. Deceit was in to much of a shock and surprise. Deceit soon came out of the shock and surprise, "Good job my little princess," Deceit said ruffling Vanessa's hair.

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