Six Month Ultrasound

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Thomas and I are going to get an ultrasound to see our baby.

"You ready to see your baby?" The lady, Linda, says.

"Yeah." I say smiling. Linda puts the cold gel onto my stomach and starts the ultrasound.

"There's the baby!" Linda says smiling.

"That's our baby...." Thomas says not believing that he's seeing his child.

"Yeah. It is." I say holding his hand.

"Wanna know if your having a girl or boy?" Linda asks.

"Sure. Only if Thomas wants to." I say squeezing his hand.

"I'd love to know." Thomas says.

"Alrighty. Let me see..." Linda keeps moving the wand thing until she can tell.

"Your having a boy!" Linda says happily.

"Oh my goodness!" Thomas says smiling.

"A boy! I'm excited!" I exclaim.

"Alright let's finish up and I can print some pictures for you two." Linda says.

"That'll be awesome. Thanks." I tell Linda.

Patton Patton has convinced me to get one ultrasound, so he can see his babies

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Patton has convinced me to get one ultrasound, so he can see his babies. His words exactly.

"Hello. I'm Linda. I'll be giving you this ultrasound." Linda says.

"Thanks Linda." Patton says.

"You ready Ma'am."

"Yeah." I say. The cold gel plops onto my stomach. Linda uses her stick wand to see the baby.

"There it is.... or there they are." Linda says with a laugh. "Congrats! Your having twins!"

"The more the merrier!" Patton smiles.

"Wow." I say. I'm impressed that humans could do this.

"If you'd like, I could tell you the two's genders." Linda says.

"Sure." I say

"Yes!" Patton excitedly says.

"This ones a boy. The other isn't giving me a good enough look too see..." she frustratedly looks around. "Ahah! The other is a girl!"

"My babies!" Patton says tearing up.

"Our. Our babies." You correct him.

Linda cleans up and prints some pictures.

"Here you two go! Have s lovely day!"

Logan I dragged Logan to the ultrasound office

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I dragged Logan to the ultrasound office.

"Why do we have to be here (Y/N)" Logan asks.

"I want you to see our baby!" I sass back.

"Alright." He grumbles.  Linda comes and takes us back.

"Alright.  This will be cold." Linda says pouring the gel onto my stomach.  "Here's your baby!"

"What do you... it's beautiful!" Logan says looking at the screen.

"I told you you'd not want to miss this." I say to Logan.

"I can see what gender it is.  Want to know?" Linda asks.  Logan nods.

"Sure!" I say laughing at Logan's dumbfounded state.

"It's a boy!" Linda exclaims.

"So this is my son?" Logan asks pointing at the screen.

"Yeah." I say tears in my eyes.

"Wrong.  It's our son." He says looking at me.  He kisses me.

Roman "We're here to see Linda

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"We're here to see Linda." I say to the front desk.

"She's ready for you.  First door on the right."

"We're here Linda!" Roman says.

"Awesome!  Let's get started." Everything starts and the screen shows the baby.

"Woah!" Roman gasps.

"That's our baby." I say to him.

"That's your babies.  Honey!  Your having three." Linda points out.  She shows us what she means.

"Our babies." Roman and I say simultaneously.

"I can see what they are if you'd like." Linda says.

"I'd love to know." I say.  Roman agrees.

"This ones a girl.  Here's another girl.  And this last ones a boy!"

Virgil "Here's your baby!" Linda says outlining the baby with her finger

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"Here's your baby!" Linda says outlining the baby with her finger.

"Linda.  I don't want to know the gender." I say.

"What?" Virgil asks confused.

"I don't care what this baby is as long as it's mine." I say smiling.  "And all genders are allowed in ballet so this child WILL be in ballet."

"Why?" Virgil asks slightly scared.

"Ballet forms your muscles and joints in a very specific way that causes maximum flexibility.  So injuries are less likely." I explain.

"O-Ok." Virgil says worried.

" Virgil says worried

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