Chapter 1-Memory Rewind

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(This is a chapter where it reveals what occurred between Kara and Lena which lead them into breaking up)

Lena just found out that Kara had being lying to her about her being there for her and told her that she deserved a more better place since she was a Luthor which was being told by Lillian Lena's adoptive mother.

"She was just using her to take you down like Superman took down Lex your brother,"said Lillian in a very annoyed tone.

"No,She's nothing like that in whatever you said Mother,"said Lena trying to defend Kara in a very strong tone.

"Fine than I'll prove you wrong,"said Lillian

"What do you mean by that,"said Lena in a very confused way

Lillian then called one of her man to bring her a laptop.

"What are we gonna do with that mother,"said Lena in a very sarcastic way.

"See for yourself ,"Lillian replied in an evil tone

Then Lena turned herself away from her dramatic mother to the screen.In the screen showed Kara being asked questions in an enclosed room.What Lena does not know that it wasn't the real Kara but one of Lillian's minions who was dressed up like Kara.

"So is it true you and Miss Luthor are a thing,"asked an agent who also works for Lillian.

"A thing your head,me and Miss Luthor aren't a thing,"Kara replied in a very honest sounding tone.

"Then what was all that between you and Miss Luthor,"asked the Agent.

"I told you we are nothing,I can never be with her , She's a Luthor and a Luthor can never be trusted , I only used her in order to make a name for myself in the Cat Co ,I'm just a reporter while she is the one who is dangerous to National City and besides she is just like her mother Mrs Luthor,"Kara ended her speech in a very low tone.

After watching the video Lena was heartbroken.Tears started flooding down her cheeks.

"Now you believe me, Darling,"replied Lillian

Lena just stood up from her seat and ran out of her office with tears which left her assistant Jess confused why she left.Lena went back to her apartment where she saw hers and Kara's pictures which led to her throwing everything down to the floor into pieces.Later she then decided to burn down her apartment just to get away from those pain.While the fire began the Deo received an alert mission where an apartment was on fire.

"Supergirl there's a fire at around 10 miles away from L-Corp,"said Alex

"I'm on it Agent Danvers,"replied Kara

While Kara reached the address that she was given she realized that it was no other than Lena's apartment.She flew as fast as she could.She had calmed the fire with her power and after she had done it she ran to the corner where Lena was.While she reached the corner where Lena was sitting she could see Lena's face was all red and her eyes were like a stream of blood .

"Lena are you ok,"asked Kara in a very sad tone

"I'm fine and why did you even bother rescuing me,I'm nothing to you ,"replied Lena in a very harsh tone

"What do you mean,I will always save you not matter what,"said Kara in a confused way

"You liar,stop pretending to me.Mother was right about you.You are only using me in order for you to gain fame.You lied to me about everything,everything. I thought you loved me as who I am and not as a Luthor,"Lena shouted with tears falling down her eyes.

"Lena I have always and will never stop loving you and I never used you for gaining whatever you are talking about and I never had lied to you about everything  ,"Kara replied.

"Liar,liar just leave me alone,I don't wanna see you again in my life,you have lost my trust,"replied Lena in a serious tone

"Lena don't do this please,"replied Kara with tears also following out of her eyes.

"Go just go I don't wanna be with you anymore,"Lena said turning her head away from Kara

Kara just stood up and flew out of Lena's apartment crying and was confused on what had just happened.She flew back to her apartment and started to throw all the pictures of her's and Lena's onto the floor .She thrashed everything on the floor while she was doing that she had injured herself with the glass going through her hand which she lost a lot of blood and left her to fall back and black out.

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