Chapter 16

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Edward's POV
After having breakfast with Kara,I decided to make a u turn and try to clear my mind as I drove to the park.I parked my car near the parking lot and made way to the nearby bench available as I sat down looking at the people doing their own business,some of them walking with their pet's,some busy with their lovers as they talk and I smiled.I then looked at the picture of my ex girlfriend

She looked just pretty as always but I don't know where it went wrong with everything between us.I was brought out of my thoughts when my phone rang as I answered it without looking at the ID.

"Hello,"I said as I looked at the environment where people were busy with their own business some were busy with their morning  walks while  others were drinking their coffee or tea whatever goes good with them

"Edward ,it's me,"Maggie said as I sighed

"Hey Maggie what's wrong,?"I asked as I stood up making my way back into my car

"Well I didn't receive any call from you or seen you in the office since  we have been called to the DEO, "Maggie said as I sat down in my car

"Sorry just got caught up in the moment,"I replied

"Well we will see you there,"Maggie said

"Yeah sure I'll be there ,"I replied as I drove to the DEO office as I parked my car walking into the main hall where everyone gathered,Alex,Jonn,Maggie,Winn except Kara.Alex looked so pissed off and remind me to kill Kara later.

"Hey guys,"I said as they nodded their heads

"Hey Edward where have you been,?"Alex asked and i know when she uses my full name it's mostly cause she is angry

"Umm just busy I guess,so why are we having  this meeting again,?"I asked ignoring Alex's question

"Well super girl isn't here and I think she won't be able to be here on time since she has other duties I think,anyways let's get down to business,"Jonn said as he turned around as Alex pulled me towards a room

"Ow Alex what the hell,?"i said as I saw finger nail marks on my shoulder

"Where the hell is Kara cause she hasn't been answering her god damn phon,?"she yelled at me as I looked at her strangely

"Ok firstly don't yell at me,second I'm not her secretary cause I'm her brother and thirdly I don't know where Kara is ok,"I replied as she sighed

"What do you mean you don't know ,you were with her this morning ,"she said as I rolled my eyes

"Well yes i was with her this morning and she left for work, it's not like I'm attached to her or something that i should know what Kara does every minute,"I replied as she rolled her eyes and walked out  of the room as i followed her where the others were already discussing.

"Ok so technically we found a lead on the Cadmus organization, "Jonn said as my eyes widen at the amazing news

"Wait seriously but how,?"Maggie asked

"Well we have found out from one of the prisoners about the information on which where Cadmus could be located since I think they forgot to wipe away his memory,"Winn said as we nodded our heads

"So that means we have an advance ticket in capturing Lillian Luthor and her puppets,"Alex said as Jonn shook his head

"Well that's not how it goes Agent Danvers,we all know how clever and cunning Luthors can be,"Jonn replied

"What do you mean by that, ?"I asked as Jonn and Winn looked at each other worriedly knowing they are hiding something from us.

"Ok I don't care if you two are working with Agent Danvers but I swear if it has to do something  with Kara then I'm gonna beat you up,"I said as Winn looked at me with raised eyebrow

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