Lenas Life

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Lenas POV
Its been the past 4 months now that i have bought the company and well i managed to get to talk to kara but not as a friend but as a boss and employee and that guy still visits Kara for lunch every now and then.After what I saw between Kara and the other guy who has blue eyes and looks exactly like Alex but no it can't be The Danvers Family only has a daughter and adoptive daughter which is Kara so that means this must be Karas new boyfriend.I couldn't help but just miss the sweet Kara who I loved and miss everything about her and I know what I did to her for the last 2 years was my biggest mistakes and I would do anything to get her to talk to me no matter what.
But right now I kinda miss my little ball of sunshine.
Lena was disturbed by a phone call which she saw and happily answered it


Unknown:hello it's me well I just wanna tell you that Ivy and I are missing you too much and she won't stop until she hears your voice

Lena:hihi I miss you both to well why don't I speak to her then

Unknown:hello mommy how are you

Lena:well hello darling I'm fine and how are you

Unknown:I'm fine too mommy.

Lena:are you being good to mommy Hannah

Unknown:yes I'm good mommy cause you always say that a Luthor always shows good manners

Lena:it's good to know that you are being good to her and Ivy i have to go now but i will talk to you later ok now will you please give the phone to mommy Hannah and Darling be good

Unknown:goodbye mommy.Hello darling how are you

Lena:I'm fine and thank you for calling I also wanted to hear her voice besides is everything ok there

Unknown:yeah everything is fine here beside thank you for talking to her she really misses you

Lena:I know I'm sorry but I will visit soon beside I gotta go now talk to you later bye


While I'm busy here managing CAT.CO I'm happy that I found Sam who is responsible enough to take care of L-Corp and she is handling the company very well and I'm happy about it and well I'm happy that I'm able hear from Ivy .Well I can't have Kara now but at least have a gift from her which she doesn't even know exists.Ivy had green eyes and pale skin but had Karas other feature apart from her eye colour and hair colour.

No ones POV
Lena was still busy in her own world when she was being distracted by someone.

"Miss Luthor is it ok I can talk to you for a minute,"said James

"Please don't call me Miss Luthor call me Lena and sure I can talk to you,"said Lena

"Well I just wanna inform you about the gala you are going to have about L-Corp well do you wanna have photographs to be taken and published under CAT.CO and made into an article,?"said James

"Of course feel free and besides we do have the best photographers here in CAT.CO right,?"said Lena

"Hi Hi yeah we do have the best photographer's here,"replied James

What Lena doesn't know that the young photographer is falling for her and doesn't know how to contain his feeling because Lena is his boss.James was brought back to reality when Lena asked him

"Are you ok there Jimmy you seemed like you were zoned out,"asked Lena

"Yeah I'm ok Lena besides thank you that's all I have to say I'll let you continue your work and sorry for disturbing you Lena,"replied James

"Well it's no big deal Jimmy besides you didn't disturbed you,"replied Lena

After the conversation between them James went back to his office and was now thinking about Lena mostly all the time now.

Kara has been able to ignore Lena for the past 4 months now and was happy that her brother was there to help her.Edward knew everything what was between Lena and Kara and was always there ready to lend a hand to his sister when she needed him the most and it still hurts him that Lena would break his sister's heart even though after everything they had been through but he still had hoped Kara and Lena still had a chance.
Edward is now living at his new apartment but still stays with Kara when she needs him and also he is being introduced to everybody at the DEO and happy to help but Winn and James doesn't know yet that Edward is Karas and Alex's younger brother.

At Karas apartment
"Edward did you eat my ice cream?"asked Kara from the kitchen while Edward was busy sitting on the couch

"Why do you ask?"asked Edward

"Because I wanna eat it what else will I do with the ice cream,"yelled Kara who is now making her way to the living room and looking at her younger brother

"Jees ok I ate it ok besides someone had to eat it ,"replied Edward

"Well that someone is me beside now I'm running out of ice cream,"replied Kara

"Ok ok how about you and I go down to the supermarket and buy your ice cream and I'm paying for it,happy"asked Edward

"More than happy Ice cream is my life,"said Kara with her smile

"I'm sometimes confused who is the oldest between you and me,"said Edward low enough so that Kara doesn't hear it

"I heard that and still I'm the oldest and you are the youngest because you still steal ice cream from the refrigerator without asking,"said Kara giving him a look

"Hey even if I asked you would tell me to go buy my own ice cream ,"said Edward

"Yeah well whatever let's just go beside you and I have to patrol the Gala tonight remember, "said Kara

"Uhh why do you even remind me of it beside I have to be with Maggie,"said Edward while making his way to the nearest supermarket with Kara

"Hey I myself don't even have a choice but have to be there,"said Kara

"Hey will you be ok being there,?"asked Edward in a serious tone

"Me I will be fine besides it's two years and four months now that I'm able to live without her,"said Kara but had tears now in her eyes which made Edward go and hug her knowing that she still had the pain in her

"Hey shh shh it's gonna be ok don't worry I'm here now and I will not let anyone hurt you and don't worry I will be here with you no matter what ok please don't cry I will buy you at least 3 to 5 tubs of ice cream,"said Edward which made Kara smile

"Thank you for being here with me no matter what Eddie I really appreciate it,"said Kara

"No worries what are siblings for"said Edward

Then they went to the supermarket where Kara was able to buy at least 3 to 5 tubs of ice cream and Edward didn't care about the price because he wanted to see his sister happy .
After they bought the ice cream Edward went to drop Kara back to her apartment and later made his way back to his apartment in order to get ready for the Gala.

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