The Gala 2

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No ones POV

After the explosion had gone everyone had been running around in order to save there own self .The cops have been now helping them out while Five unknown man wearing masks suddenly came in with guns in their hands and started shooting in the air in order to gain the attention from the terrified crowd.
Kara was still helping others to safety while she heard the gun shot and made her way there and started fighting with the two masked man while the other two  were busy looking for something while the other one made his way to Lena.Edward saw the man going to Lena and told Maggie that he had one of them

"Maggie I'm going after one of them you go for the other two with Alex,"said Edward which Maggie nod and made her way to the other man

Lena was still walking when she was being pulled down by one of the masked man and was now terrified later then she saw Edward walk in with a gun in his hand and was angry but scared when he saw a gun been pointed on Lenas head.

"Hey let us do this man to man and let Miss Luthor go,"said Edward

"And who the hell  are you and why should I take orders from you ,"said The Masked Guy

"Well I'm gonna tell you the truth and by truth means if you hurt her I'm gonna make your life a miserable one,"said Edward while making his way towards Lena and the guy and also this caught Lena by surprise on what Edward said

"Hmm what will you do besides who is she to you beside she's a Luthor and I have my business with her and not you,"said The Masked Guy  just then Edward reached them and slowly put his gun down and kicked it on the corner

"Well I'm gonna tell you something you don't know about me well when I said she's something to me I mean it and we do not define ourselves by our name but show our real imagine by hard work and she's not just a Luthor get it,"said Edward which he slowly moved to the masked guy and tried to grab his gun and the guy ended up pushing Lena to the corner roughly and while they fight.Edward still had hands on the guy while the guy was busy pointing the gun to Edward down to his stomach while Edward had been able to kick him to go down on his knees and started beating him but when he stop the masked guy immediately pointed the guy towards Edward and fired .The bullet had hit Edward on his stomach then another one was being fired and hit him on the stomach again this made Edward cry in pain but was telling himself to protect Lena .Lena on the other side was terrified and scared about the young Agent.Edward on the other hand stood up and charged towards the masked man and with all his strength he pushed him towards the wall and managed to punch him while the masked guy was also successful in punching Edward on the face which resulted in blood traveling down from Edwards face. Edward ignored the pain and started punching him as much as he could until the masked guy was on the ground.The guy had blacked out this made Edward reach his hand down to his abs and saw blood all over his white shirt and blood was now covers on his face.

He then made his way to the terrified CEO and kneel down to be able to see her.

"Hey are you ok Luthor I'm not gonna hurt you,"said Edward while looking at Lena

"Why the hell would you save me and I thought you hate me ,"said Lena now tears forming in her eyes

"Well firstly I do not hate you  and second I'm a cop so it's my duty and third if I didn't then my sister will be more heart broken and will end up killing herself and fourth you are family to me,"said Edward  still groaning in pain

"What do you mean I'm family and why didn't I know about  you and  beside Kara hates me  ,"said Lena

"You know you are stubborn Luthor and Kara loves you crazy I see it in her eyes and yes you are family and by the way we have to go ,"said Edward in pain .Lena noticed this and now have helped Edward up

"Good uhh uhh  shit ,"cried out Edward

"Hey hey it's going to be ok ,"said Lena which only made her put his arm onto her shoulder and help him up again by now Lenas outfit was covered with Edwards blood

Edward started to move slowly with the help of Lena and started to move towards the area in order to look for help just then they saw police everywhere and now the place was under control with the help of Kara and Maggie and The DEO.

Just than Lena started shouting for help since she couldn't move Edward because he was now on the ground with Lena on his side and nearly shutting his eyes because of the loss of blood now

"Hey  hey don't close your eyes Agent Danvers,"said Lena

"My name is Edward and please call me Eddie I'm just happy that I finally met the person who stole my sisters heart,"said Edward now making Lena cry

"Dont do dare say that you'll be ok,"said Lena just than Maggie arrived at the scene with Alex  and Kara and the others.Alex and Kara  immediately ran to Edward and kneel down and with tears in their eyes

"Edward Danvers don't you dare close your eyes stay with me,i just found you again and I don't wanna lose you,"said Alex with tears

"Someone get the ambulance and hurry up,"shouted Kara with anger just than the ambulance came and took Edward in with Alex beside him and made his way to the hospital while Kara flew to the hospital and while Maggie made her way to Lena who was busy crying and saw her clothes covered in blood

"Hey shh don't cry little luthor,"said Maggie hugging Lena now and she missed the  warmth of Lena

"Why does this happen to me always,someone has to save me and end up nearly dying, "said Lena

"Hey please don't cry and don't blame yourself for it Eddie is strong and he will make it through beside he is a Danvers after all ,"replied Maggie

"I bet Kara and Alex hates me more now, "said Lena still crying

"Hey don't you dare say that they will never hate you ok they are just feeling angry and sad because they saw what state their Little brother was in ok,how about we get you to your apartment get you cleaned and get some rest after these ungrateful event and yes I will be in touch with you about Eddie,"said Maggie which made Lena nod her head and made her way back to her apartment with some of the police officers

In the Hospital
Alex and Kara are in the hospital still waiting for the results from the doctor.Just then a doctor arrived and cleared his throat

"Family of Edward Danvers,"said the Doctor and immediately Kara,Alex and Maggie raised their hands and made their way to the doctor

"Well Im happy to say that you brought him on time and he is all ok now and well he is still sleeping but the bullets which were fired to him has deepened the wound but he will be ok,"said the doctor which made Kara,Alex and Maggie sigh in happiest now knowing that he is ok

They all made their way to the room and saw Edward lying down and sleeping and they each had a word with while Kara decided to stay with him while Alex and Maggie nodded and made their way back to their apartment in order to get some rest while Kara was busy looking at her younger brother and was filled with tears on why did he do that but she ended up sleeping on the couch which was in the room

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