The Gala

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No ones POV
Kara was busy eating ice cream waiting for Edward to meet while she heard a knock on her door.She stood up and went to find Maggie standing there she hugged her and let her in.

"Damn little Danvers are you never tired of eating ice cream,"said Maggie

"Well hello to you to and no never I'm tired of eating,"said Kara

Maggie went to get a beer and while she opened the refrigerator she was surprised

"Ahmm Kara where the hell did you get these ice cream from,"said Maggie looking at Kara who was busy eating

"Well I didn't Edward bought me all these ice cream tubs since he ate my share and besides I wonder where the hell is he,"said Kara

"Wow lucky you besides I texted him already he is making his way up to the apartment now and Kara are you ok about going to the Gala tonight,"said Maggie looking at Kara

"Maggie I know that you are worried but I promise it does not hurt anymore beside I'm there to protect people from getting hurt and beside I also have my wonderful sister-in-law and brother with me,"said Kara which made Maggie smile just then they heard a knock which Kara went to open it revealing Edward

"Wow took you long enough,"said Kara

"Hey I'm not like you ok,beside there was traffic so blame it on them and are you eating ice cream already?"said Edward

"Yeah  yeah whatever besides yes I'm eating the ice cream a and no I'm not gonna give it to you,"said Kara putting her tongue out which made Maggie laugh at the two siblings

"Yeah I'll just buy my own next time besides don't we have a gala to attend to ,"said Edward looking at Maggie and Kara

"Ok so the team are in undercover I will be with Eddie while you are in an enclosed area keeping an eye while Alex and The DEO will be ready for back up if anything happens,"said Maggie

"Deal ok so do you two need any ride or what,"said Kara

"Nah I'm good I don't wanna die in the hands of my own sister, I'll take my car what about you Maggie,"said Edward while Kara is busy giving the look (I'll kill you later look)

"Well I think I'll go with Eddie ,"said Maggie

"Ok see you there ,"said Kara and then she flew out of the window  While Edward and Maggie made their way to the gala by Edwards car.

In the Gala
Kara finally reached the Gala and looking at anything suspicious but found nothing instead found a lot of people at the Gala with their decent clothing while she was still looking around she heard someone cleared their throat and which she turned and found a very beautiful young lady who had dark black Brown hair and was wearing a black dress.

"Ahmm may I help you miss,?"said Kara

"Well yes you can I'm Samantha by the way and you can call me Sam anyways I just wanna thank you for being here,"said Sam

"Well it's a pleasure to be here  and my name is Kara Danvers and are you one of the L-Corp business partners ,"said Kara

"No I'm not Kara  I'm the managing the work of L-Corp while Miss Luthor is busy managing CAT.CO ,"said Sam

"Ooh yeah Miss Luthor,"said Kara while smiling at Sam

"So you are a reporter at CAT.CO ,"said Sam

"Yes I'm a reporter and I might have to say you look beautiful in the dress,"said Kara

"Well thank you besides you look more beautiful than I am right now, "said Sam which made the young reporter blush and fiddle with her glasses

They continued talking and did not notice Lena who was busy staring at them the whole time and also felt jealous when Sam made Kara blush but she was brought back to reality when James spoke up

"Lena are you ok,"said James

"Yeah I'm fine James,"said Lena

"Well I might say you look beautiful in that red dress ,"said James

"Well thank you James I might say you look handsome tonight,"said Lena which only made James smile

Just while they were busy talking Lena was being called up to address the crowd and well she was searching for Kara but couldn't find her just than she saw Kara standing there with her Supergirl outfit looking at Lena with a smile this made Lena felt calm and safe while she had finish addressing the crowd she made her way back to James while making her way she saw Maggie and Edward.

"Miss Luthor might I say what a wonderful gala you have organized, "said Maggie

"Why thank you Agent Sawyer I'm glad you liked it,"said Lena while looking at Maggie than to Edward .Maggie noticed this and gave a look to Eddie to introduce himself

"Miss Luthor it's a pleasure to finally meet you I'm Agent Danvers,"said Edward while looking at Lena who had a confused look on her face

"Agent Danvers are  you Agent Alex Danvers and Kara Danvers brother,"said Lena

"Yes I am the younger brother of Kara Danvers and Alex Danvers and I've heard a lot about you ,"said Edward trying to control his anger on Lena this made Kara look to the  and saw what was happening.Maggie on the other hand was trying to calm Edward down

"Eddie remember why are we here ok,"said Maggie trying her very best to calm Edward down and just then supergirl came down to them

"Everything ok here,"said Kara

"Yeah everything is under control ,"said Maggie but making signs to Kara about Edward who is about to blow up

"Agent Danvers can I speak to you for a moment,"said Kara which made Edward nod and follow her and they reach a place where no one could hear them

"Eddie what the hell are you trying to do, "said Kara

"I'm sorry Its just when I look at her I see pain that you have face and it hurts as hell, "said Edward which made Kara hug in me

"Hey don't worry about me ok ,I'll be ok I have you and the others now will you say sorry to her about your behaviour ,"said Kara and Edward just nod

They made their way back to the Gala and saw Lena and Maggie busy talking about the company.Kara cleared her throat to be able to get both of the their attention and look at Edward

"Miss Luthor I'm sorry for my behaviour I had presented before you see there is problems I'm trying to get over,"said Edward

"Its ok Agent Danvers I understand, "said Lena and there was silence between them until Maggie broke the silence

"Uhhmm well we better be going back to work now right Agent Danvers, "said Maggie looking at Edward who happily nodded and made his way out with Maggie leaving Kara and Lena alone

"Supergirl thank you for being here in the Gala,"said Lena knowing she couldn't say her real name because of the crowd they were being surrounded

"Its no problem Miss Luthor I'm just doing my job beside will you excuse me ill have to check up on the others,"said Kara which made Lena frown and nodded sadly and with that Kara flew back to a high place then she looked down and she wished she could talk to Lena but her thoughts were being interrupted by a loud explosion

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