We make our own Destiny

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The story now starts after an year later where Kara lives and Lena's life is are different I may say ..Enjoy!

Kara just finished writing an article about how the gala had went and was just laying on her couch thinking about totally nothing when she  hears  a knock on the door .
She was too tired to stand up because her back aches from the long night writing of the article so she used her x Ray visions to see who it was but it was Alex with food and boy she does love food so she went to open it.

"Haha took you long to open the door,"said Alex and giving her the look

"What don't give me that look,"Kara said

"Please tell me you didn't open the door only because I had food with me,"said Alex

"Hey don't blame me I was born with powers,"replied Kara

"Haha I don't blame you besides will we keep on talking like this or will you invite me inside,?"replied Alex

"Oops sorry about that come in Miss Danvers and don't mind the mess,"said Kara

Then they went inside Kara's apartment.Alex managed to lay the plates with food and drinks while Kara used her super speed movement to clean up her apartment.After the clean up they managed to sit down and have a sister to sister talk while they also enjoy their meal.Alex was the one who managed to break the silence.

"So Kara how's work,"asks Alex

"Well I must the usual and besides that boss of mine will always be an entertainment to me while instead of laughing I'm like crying because it feels like hell, "replied Kara

Alex laughed at her sister and was happy that she was good and managed to always find herself a way to  keep herself occupied and free from stress.

"So how are you and Maggie,"asked Kara

"Well I must I'm happy and she's happy,"replied Alex

Kara was happy to also see that her sister is happy and she was happy for her and lucky to have  Maggie as a sister in law who's always there and having her sister's back no matter what.She then replied to Alex with a smile on her face.

After a while of talking Alex received a call from the DEO for her to be there so Alex told Kara that Joann wants to talk to her about something while Kara was left alone again until she received a call herself from an unknown number.

"Hello who's this,"asked Kara

"Haha well what a way to greet your little brother, "replied the unknown caller.

"Eddie is that you,"replied Kara

"Haha yes it's me you dork,"replied Edward

"Hey I missed you too much and we haven't talked for a while,it seems like you were more engaged into your work then to think of your sister,"replied Kara

"Well hello to you too,and I'm really sorry for not talking to you I have been really busy on cases and also I have a good news that will make you happy,"replied Edward

"And what may I ask is that ,Mr Edward Danvers"replied Kara

"My  transferred from LA to National City is finally on board,"said Edward in a very happy tone

"Yeah I'm so happy ,and I can't wait to meet you and can't wait to tell Alex, "said Kara with excitement

"Hey I'm happy to be able to finally be reunited with my family but please don't tell Alex I wanna surprise her and tell her that I am truly sorry for everything, "replied Edward

"Hey I know that feeling and plus I'm with you in everything no matter what you and me are family,"replied Kara

"Thanks so much besides I was gonna ask if it's ok if I stay over at your place for some time while I hunt for some apartment, "asked Edward

"Its ok with me as long as you stay away from my fridge and kitchen then we have no problem at all,"replied Kara with some laugh and smile on her face

"Haha you and your love for food no problem besides I'm coming on the day after tomorrow cause I have to settle in and have some documents to sign we the police,"repoied Edward

"Hihi can't wait to see you and besides you know my address by the way I gotta go see you later alligator,love you,"said Kara

"Love you too,and don't worry about me ill manage,"replied Edward

After the call between the two siblings, Kara went to her couch and fell asleep.

Authors Note
Sorry this is for now but can't wait till next time
Enjoy and I'll see you later

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