Investigating The Luthor

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After the conversation between Lena and Edward, Lena went back to her normal life routine while Edward remained at Karas apartment since he was still recovering from his injuries.Kara was able to be in contact with the acting CEO Of L-Corp Sam and we can say that they are great friends now.

At Karas Apartment
Kara and Edward were busy having breakfast having their normal conversation as siblings as always

"So any idea when I can get back to work,"said Edward

"Edward for the last time I don't know I'm not the one who is checking you up and don't you have the power to read my mind which is shouting on top of its voice saying I DONT KNOW ,"said Kara to her brother for the tenth time and eating her pancake

"Cheez ok fine ,I just don't feel like staying at home i wanna work and whats up with you being moody and don't you dare say it's Friday fever cause its a bullshit answer,"said Edward

"Well I'm sorry I'm just not ok and well every time I see Lena and James together I don't know what to do,"said Kara

"Hmm is my sister jelly thats something new for me,"said Edward wiggling his eyebrow and looking at Kara

"Jealous me!hmm never ,"said Kara while shrugging her shoulder even though it was the truth

"Ok ok I don't believe you,but hey it's ok to tell the truth right, "said Edward looking at Kara knowing that it's Karas favourite quote and always uses it against him

"Hey don't use my favorite own qoute against me ok ,and fine yes I am,happy,"said Kara

"Hmm ok I won't I just wanted to know the truth ok beside its time to move on if she has moved on so do you besides you told me yourself if there is no trust between two people than there is no use of a relationship right,"said Edward as Kara sighed knowing he was right

"Yeah I know you are right about it i should try moving on and thank you for being here with me no matter what, "said Kara hugging Edward but it was interrupted by a knock on the door

"I'll go get it,"said Kara which Edward nodded his head while Kara went to open the door she was surprised to see James at her front door

"Hey James what are you doing here not to be rude,"said Kara

"Well Lena called me to just to tell you to remind you about your article so I was passing by and thought why not just drop by and tell you about it,"said James

"Ohh yea don't worry about it I already finished it I'll just submit it first thing I get to the office,"said Kara but later was interrupted by Edward's voice

"Kara who is it,"said Edward making his way towards the door and stopped when he saw James at the door giving him a look while James was looking at him

"Hey I'm James Olsen,"said James extending his hand for a hand shake

"Hi I'm Edward Collin,"said Eddie with an Irish accent accepting a handshake

"Well I better be going now see you later Kara,"said James in which Kara nodded her head and shut the door giving Edward a look

"What don't give me that look,"said Edward

"Edward Collin really, "said Kara giving him the look

"Hey dont give me that look ok besides i told the truth stating my name is Edward Collin Danvers and I don't want anyone know that I'm a Danver cause I just wanna keep my family safe ok and I'm sorry it was funny teasing him"said Edward this made Kara confused and Edward knew he had to explain since he could read minds

"I mean he was jealous ,thinking I'm your boyfriend and yeah so why not play with him,"said Edward with a smile

"You are crazy and no you are my brother and will be my brother but hey it was fun I might say,"said Kara but just than there was another knock in which Edward immediately opened it and saw Maggie and Alex there looking at them

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