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No ones POV
Kara was still sleeping when Edward had awoken up and saw his older sister sleeping on the couch.Just as he was about to move he groaned in pain then all memories flooded back to his mind about what happen.
When he was about to move again Kara saw what her brother was doing and immediately stood up and approached him.

"Uhh where do you think you are going ,"said Kara looking at Edward with an eyebrow raised

"Well hello to you to I'm just gonna go home now,"replied Edward trying to stand up but instead got a massive pain in his stomach which made him to  sit again with his hand on his abs trying to fight the pain while on the other side Kara hurriedly came hold helping him back to sit

"Ohh I don't think so you are going anywhere Mr,"said Kara

"What the hell is wrong with me and why can't I stand up properly, "said Edward

"Well let me remind you that You Mr decided to save someone's life by getting two bullets in your stomach and beside you can't feel your legs because you have been passed out for at least two days ,"yelled Kara

"Why do you have to yell at me  beside it was my duty to protect the people and where am I ,"yelled Edward

"You are at The DEO and besides wasn't there enough  people you could have protected other than her and why her,"yelled Kara since they were in the room the people at the DEO started looking towards the room where the Danvers siblings were fighting

"Ohh Kara dont be stupid if i let her die or be kidnapped by those  stupid bastards i know you will be in more pain then you are facing now and dont you dare say that you don't love her cause I know you very well enough though I'm your younger brother and I did it because I didn't want to see you in pain if anything happen to her even though I hate what she did to you I can't see you in pain that's all,"yelled Edward with tears flowing out of his eyes and also Kara was taken back by the words her brother said cause it was all the truth no matter what Lena did to her she still loved her.

Kara went up to her brother and hugged him and tears slowly falling down her eyes Edward soon realised what was happening and hugged her back and then lifted his hand to his sister's cheek and eyes to wipe away the tears

"I'm sorry for yelling at you please don't cry,"said Edward

"I'm also  sorry for yelling at you instead I should be appreciating what you did back there was really brave and please be careful next time cause I don't wanna lose you again ,"said Kara

"Hey I'm here and you won't lose me beside I'm a Danvers and please two bullets still can't take this man down,"replied Edward pointing towards him this made Kara smile at him and slightly punched him

"Idiot what did I do to  deserve you beside just don't do that again,"said Kara now looking at the younger Danvers with a serious tone and attitude this made the younger Danvers raise his hands up in defence

"Ok ok I won't do it again I promise and don't worry and please can you tell me when I can go home now ,"said Edward

"I don't know about that part beside you have to go through Alex before you leave this area,"said Kara and this made Edward groan knowing how protective Alex was .Just than Alex appeared in front of the door with arms crossed

"Speakof the devil,"said Edward which made Kara laugh and hit him in the shoulder which made Edward cry in pain

"Would you care to explain what happen back there two days ago.?"said Alex with a serious tone looking at her younger brother

"Well before you also yell at me.I did it because she was also one of those important people and I did it because I was told to protect the public and it was my dutie beside I'm a agent and we serve the people no matter what we go through or difficulty and it was you who told me and I'm sorry for taking two bullets and I'm sorry I forgot to wear a bullet proof jacket will you forgive me,"said Edward giving both the elder Danvers sister puppy eyes also this made Alex surprised on the words he said and he knew he was right and her anger was now replaced with a cool and giving him a smile

"I'm sorry I'm just worried about my siblings and I don't wanna lose you or Kara or mom cause you people are all I have"said Alex hugging both her siblings was interrupted by a voice she knew

"Hey how about me am I not important too,"said Maggie this made Kara and Edward laugh while Alex was still silent and she walked towards the Sawyer and hugging her

"Well I would never forgot about the love of my life who is always there for me no matter what the challenges life has for me and you,"said Alex before kissing Maggie like the world was about to end but it was interrupted by the other two Danvers

"Eww Not here please I'm still a kid,"said Edward and Kara which made all of them laugh

"Ohh shut up little Danvers ,"said Maggie looking at Kara and Edward

"Well can i to now please, "said Edward

"Yes you can but you won't be working for another one or two days just to help you recover soon ok and we will be there if you want anything from us,"said Alex which she received a nod from Edward

"Ok I'll see you three later I have to go to work now lunch hour is over beside I have to submit my article,"said Kara

"Ok I'll drop you and then I'll head back  to my apartment and I'll rest there until further notice I guess,"said Edward then both of them left with Edwards car when they reached CAT.CO

"Hey just call me when you need anything ok,"said Kara

"Ok just don't worry about me ok,"said Edward while getting off the car and walking Kara towards her office

"Hey Eddie I just wanna say thank you for what you did back there saving people's life and you know what I'm trying to save right ,"said Kara this made Edward nod and come near Kara and hug her

"You are welcome and beside I love you Kara,"said Edward and giving her a kiss on her cheek while Kara hugged him back

"I love you too Eddie but now you have to go and rest,"said Kara pushing him away from her

"Hey I was enjoying the moment but you have to ruined it, way to go Kara but hey I'm gonna go now,"said Edward giving her a kiss again and turned around but just as he turned around he bumped into James who had his eyebrow raised looking at Edward with a look now they were face to face since Edward was tall like him

"Uhhh may I help you,"said Edward with his Irish accent

"Yes who are you,"said James giving him a look

"I'm Edward ,"said Eddie giving James a hand shake but James hand shake was with a force which made Edward read his mind and was able to read his mind

"Ok I gotta go now bye Kara see you later nice meeting you Mr Olsen ,"said Edward this made James confuse on how he knew his last name .Edward continued to make his way back to his car whike he met Lena.Lena was surprised at first but was ok now since she knows that Edward was ok.

"Mr Danvers it's a pleasure to meet you again how are you,"said Lena

"Miss Luthor it's a pleasure to meet you too and I'm fine thank you for asking,"said Edward

"What brings you to CAT.CO ,"said Lena

"Well I just came to drop Kara and I'm heading back home since I'm told to rest at home but on serious note could you please call me Mr Edward I  don't wanna alarm people that the Danvers Family have a male child or brother I'm just trying to keep my siblings safe and don't worry about me it was me just doing my duty as an agen and if you excuse me I gotta go now before Alex kills me,"said Edward after that he left Lena in shock on what just happened and thinking that Fate had brought her to a place she was again how many years ago.

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